8 Signs That Your Refrigerator Should Be Replaced

A refrigerator is a necessary staple in any home. Among the many kitchen appliances you may own, the refrigerator is one of the most important because it is the place where most of your fresh food resides. 

Making sure your refrigerator is in tip-top shape is necessary to prevent any emergencies that result in mass food spoilage. It’s natural for a fridge to run less efficiently as it gets older but there are major issues to look out for that will let you know if your fridge has reached the end of its lifespan.

Your refrigerator probably needs to be replaced if you notice that:

  • Your fridge runs too loudly
  • Your fridge doesn’t make any noise
  • Your fridge produces a lot of condensation (or “sweat”)
  • Your fridge overheats in the back
  • Your fridge produces too much frost in the freezer
  • Your fridge causes food to spoil before its expiration date 
  • Your fridge leaks
  • Your fridge is older than 10 years

Any one of these issues, or a combination of a few, is a sign for you to consider getting a new fridge. Repair costs can begin to rival the cost of a total fridge replacement and a half working fridge can disrupt the whole balance in your kitchen. 

So, here are 8 major issues that can determine if your fridge is ready to replace!

1. Runs Too Loudly

A refrigerator is a large appliance that is on and running constantly so a regularly occurring, gentle humming noise is to be expected. However, if your fridge is constantly making noise and sounds like it’s running overtime, then there may be an issue with the motor. 

The issue with your fridge’s motor overworking itself isn’t only an annoying noise but a problem that can increase the cost of your electricity bill and also lead to temperature fluctuation inside the refrigerator. 

You may be able to simply have the motor of your fridge replaced but doing so may be very costly. 

2. Makes No Noise

The opposite of the previous problem occurs when your fridge is completely and eerily silent. Again, such a large piece of electrically wired equipment should be making at least some noise to indicate that it is running properly. 

A completely silent fridge most likely indicates a broken compressor. This issue will usually come paired with a warm interior so it is a time-sensitive one. You don’t want to be storing your fresh food in a fridge that isn’t working. 

Before making any grand decisions, you can try to unplug your fridge and plug it back in to see if it really isn’t running.

Be sure to also check other electrical outlets and lights to make sure that the issue isn’t a breaker in your house that flipped. If the fridge still isn’t running properly then you will need to call a repairman or start shopping for a new refrigerator. 

3. Condensation or “Sweat”

You might start to see drops of water build-up on the exterior of your fridge or inside and on the food. That can be coupled with the appearance of mold or mildew on the seal around your fridge door which would mean the seal needs to be replaced because it is letting in warm air. 

The temperature setting could also be faulty. Check to make sure that it is set up correctly. If everything looks good and the seal around your fridge door is solid but the problem persists, then the temperature setting may need to be replaced as well.

4. Overheated Motor

The back of your fridge will generally radiate some heat because that is where the motor is. This bit of heat may even be hard to notice because the back of your fridge is probably up against a wall. When you do start to notice strong heat coming off your fridge, you will definitely want to take note of it.

When your fridge is generating a lot of heat, it’s an indication that something is wrong with the motor. The coils that create the warm sensation at the back of the fridge are usually insulated and should not be making the rest of the fridge feel hot if they are working properly.

A malfunctioning motor will cause your fridge to use up a lot of energy and is an issue that should be dealt with as soon as possible. If your fridge is relatively new and encounters this problem, then a repairman will be your best bet.

If you have a refrigerator that’s older than 7 or 8 years then the repair costs won’t be worth it since you will likely need to replace your fridge soon anyway, even with a new motor.

5. Too Much Frost in the Freezer

If your freezer starts to freeze itself and begins to build up large, crumbly chunks of ice, you probably have a problem with the internal temperature controls of your refrigerator. This is an issue that won’t resolve itself and you will need the expertise of a repairman to determine how bad the issue is.

6. Food Spoils Too Quickly

You will usually notice if your fridge is not cold enough. If your fridge suddenly stops cooling completely then that’s a major indicator that there’s something wrong. However, not all problems with the interior temperature will be obvious to you. 

If your refrigerator is older it may start to lose its ability to cool properly. This means that you will notice your greens wilting quicker, your cheeses and meats starting to smell before their expiration date, and/or your beverages taking a long time to become cool. 

This issue can also develop in a newer fridge if there is an issue with the motor or gasket. A repairman may be the answer in this case but if your fridge has already had a long life then there isn’t much that can be done to fix the problem. 

7. Leaks

An appliance leaking water or suddenly standing in a pool of water is never a good sign. If you step on a wet spot one day and notice puddles of water around your fridge, you need to get it checked out immediately.

Of course, this could just be caused by something spilling inside your fridge, but if that isn’t the case then the issue is internal and needs to be checked out.

8. Your Fridge is Older Than 10 Years

Age isn’t necessarily a deciding factor for whether a fridge needs to be replaced or not. You may have a 12 year old refrigerator that is still running well and has no issues.

The thing is that older units tend to have higher repair costs when they do malfunction, not to mention that they consume a lot more energy. The cost of maintaining an older refrigerator is quite high compared to the investment in a new one.

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Felicia has been told that she can cook some of the finest food on her street and she holds on to that compliment, believe me. But she doesn't only cook, she works as a motivational coach, personal trainer, nutritionist, and practices yoga too!

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