Are Gas Ovens Expensive to Run?

When it comes to making a decision of whether or not to purchase a gas oven for your home, there are many factors that you need to consider. Although one of the most important is determining if the home is equipped with gas lines, many people often wonder just how expensive it is to run a gas oven.

Gas oven costs vary depending on location, however, they are fairly inexpensive to operate. Although exact calculations will vary due to natural gas cost, the average cost of gas in the United States is $0.95 per therm. This figure is calculated with the energy rate of the unit to result in an average of about $0.17 per hour to run a gas oven.

Knowing how expensive it is to run a gas oven can help you make the decision of whether you should make the switch or not. Read on to learn more about the difference in cost of a gas oven versus an electric oven and if it is really worth it.

Is a Gas Oven More Expensive Than an Electric Oven?

Gas ovens are generally less expensive to operate than electric ones based on comparisons of average costs. This is because due to the large supply of the source of natural gas, the price is lower than electricity costs.

Although the average cost may differ slightly depending on whether your gas oven has a pilot light or an ignition switch, the gas oven is still clearly less expensive than an electric oven. The cost comparison will also vary depending on the energy rating of the gas oven and/or the wattage of the electric oven.

When considering the cost of natural gas used to run a gas oven, most utility companies use the term therms to represent the measurement unit. While most people recognize BTUs (British Thermal Units) when discussing natural gas, it is key to understand that one therm equals 100,000 BTUs.

Additionally, electricity is calculated using the number of watts the unit uses on average multiplied by the hours per day of use. This gives you the number of kilowatts per hour, or kWh, of electricity used. Then that number is multiplied by the average cost.

The following table shows the comparison of a gas oven at its average energy rating to an electric oven at the average wattage rating. It is important to note that the average cost of electricity in the United States is currently $0.13. This amount is multiplied by the number of kWh that is used for operating the oven.

Type of OvenAverage Cost Per HourAverage Cost Per WeekAverage Cost Per MonthAverage Cost Per Year
Gas Oven$0.17$1.19$4.76$57.12
Electric Oven $0.39$2.73$11.70$140.40

As you can see, the cost of using a gas oven is much less expensive when compared to using an electric oven. Keep in mind that while both are affordable options, many people choose to equip their homes with gas ovens.

Is a Gas Oven Worth It?

When deciding whether or not it is worth it to invest in a gas oven, many things should be considered. While it is important to understand the cost difference between a gas and electric oven, it is also vital to become familiar with other factors. 

Many professional cooks state that they prefer gas ovens over electric ones due to the reliability of dishes being cooked more evenly throughout the process. A gas oven provides more control and flexibility when cooking various dishes which is an important factor in professional kitchens.

Even those who are not professionals boast about the preference of being able to control the more instant heating options that a gas oven supplies. This allows less wait time when compared to electric ovens.

Another advantage that makes purchasing a gas oven, if your home is equipped for it, is the reduced amount of time that it takes to preheat. Since a gas oven has an open flame, the oven tends to heat more quickly allowing you to cook meals more efficiently.

Additionally, in some cases, the upfront costs can cause some people to choose the electric oven over the gas unit. This is because, depending on the brand and unit size and ratings, the cost of a gas oven can sometimes be more expensive. However, when you look at the long-term comparison, it is well worth the cost to have the gas oven.

Some people wonder just how safe a gas oven is and if it is worth the risks involved. Even though this is a valid argument, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Many precautions need to be taken including ensuring that a professional is doing the installation and inspection. 

In most cases, if you know what to watch out for, a gas oven can be mostly safe. It is important to ensure that it is working properly and if you suspect that you may have a gas leak, that you open windows and leave your home immediately before calling for help.

What to Look for When Buying a New Gas Stove

Buying a new gas stove means making a huge investment in something you and your family can use for many years to come. This is why it is important to understand what important factors to consider when you are making the decision. 

Some features to consider are commonplace, such as price, size, compatibility with other appliances, but other factors are just as crucial. The choice between a standard model and a more advanced model can make a big difference not only in price but also in the functionality of the unit.

Below are some of the features you should look for when you are purchasing a new gas stove for your home:

  • Size is the first thing you should consider since you most likely have a limited amount of space where the unit can go. Be sure to measure your space before going to shop for gas stoves. 
  • Price is another important factor you need to keep in mind since most people do not have an unlimited budget. Many features come with newer gas ovens today that can cause the price of the units to be more expensive.
  • Model styles are also important and play a part in the cost of the overall unit, however, there are features that you may want to consider in the various models that are more important to you. These models range from standard to professional-grade styles. One of the variations of these models is the BTU energy ratings. Typically, the higher the BTU, the higher the cost will be.
  • Cleaning is a feature that is often overlooked but convenient to have. Having a self-cleaning capability means that you are not having to spend your time scrubbing the inside of the oven constantly. 
  • Automatic ignition switches mean that you can say goodbye to the days using a match or a lighter to ignite the burner. With multiple choices, you can automate the way you light your burners or your oven when you cook.
  • Various other features can make using a gas oven convenient and handy to have. Some of these features include things such as a display window on the front so you can see what is happening without opening the door; the number of racks inside the oven could tell you just how much you can multitask; the knobs, dials, and controls most often have clocks and timers, but sometimes it is nice to have additional controls.

Altogether, looking for a new gas stove can be a challenge if you are not familiar with what you should be looking for. Having bells and whistles is great, but having the right size and price often outweighs the bonuses. At the end of the day, it is also important to ensure that your new oven is installed properly and is in good working order before you use it the first time.

While purchasing a new gas oven can sometimes be more expensive than many electric ovens, the long-term cost is usually worth it. 

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Felicia has been told that she can cook some of the finest food on her street and she holds on to that compliment, believe me. But she doesn't only cook, she works as a motivational coach, personal trainer, nutritionist, and practices yoga too!

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