Can You Put an Oven Pan on the Grill?

Grills aren’t just for steaks and hamburgers anymore. People are cooking everything from bacon and eggs to desserts, with the help of special grill pans and accessories. But if you don’t want to spend money on special pans, can you use oven pans you already own?

You can use the same pans on a grill that you use in the oven, with some exceptions. Any metal pan that is oven safe can be used on either a gas or charcoal grill. However, because a grill can get much hotter than the oven, you should be aware there are a few types of pans that could be damaged.

A grill can roast, fry, or bake food, just like an oven. If you want to make a dish that can’t be placed directly on the grill grate, an oven-safe metal pan will work fine. The pan will conduct the heat from the fire and cook your food.

However, glass and stoneware could crack or break because the grill gets much hotter than an oven, so you should avoid using them.

For ordinary cooking, the temperature of an oven is rarely set above 450° F (230° C), though most ovens can reach a temperature of 500° F (260° C). The average oven temperature is 350° F (177° C).

By contrast, the temperature of a charcoal grill can easily get higher than 600° F (315° C). Propane gas grills can get as hot as 550° F (290° C), though some models are made with temperature controls.

The heat of the grill is higher than glass can withstand.

For metal pans, be aware that the high heat of the grill may make permanent changes to the cookware, such as discoloration, warping, or burned-on grease. You might not want to use your best, expensive cookware. Older oven pans, or those you no longer use in the house, are a perfect choice to become your “grill pans.”

What Type of Pans Can You Put On the Grill?

To decide what type of pans you that will work on the grill, you first need to determine what material they are made from.

The types of pans that work best on a grill are made of stainless steel, foil, cast iron, aluminum, copper, and carbon steel, although there are some cautions. Enameled cast iron, glass, and stoneware should not be used on either a gas or charcoal grill. Also, avoid using pans with a nonstick surface.

Here’s a roundup of the types of pans you can use and those you should not, and some things to look out for.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is mainly used for frying pans and pots. There are different grades and thicknesses of stainless steel, but all are lightweight and durable.

Stainless steel can withstand the high temperatures of a grill, but you should consider a few possible cautions before using them.

First, the pan or pot must be entirely made of stainless steel. If the handle is wooden or plastic, it could catch fire or melt. Second, thin stainless steel could get flimsy at high heat. The pan could get damaged if left on a direct flame from a charcoal grill.

Any stainless steel pan when subjected to high heat repeatedly could lose quality or discolor.

Cast Iron

Sturdy and versatile, cast iron pans are arguably the best choice for grill use. In fact, many pans specially made for the grill are made of cast iron.

If you already have cast iron frying pans, griddles, grill pans, or other pans that you use in the oven or on the stove, you can use them on the grill without problem or worry.


Foil pans are popular for grill use. They’re perfect for messy or greasy foods because you simply throw them out rather than scrub them.

Foil pans are made from aluminum and can withstand the highest heats on the grill. However, they are thin, so use extreme caution when removing them from the grill if they contain heavy foods, liquids, or grease.

Carbon Steel

Carbon steel is generally used for frying pans and woks. It has all the advantages of cast iron but is lighter in weight.


Aluminum is often used for bakeware, such as cookie sheets, round and rectangular pans, and muffin trays. These can go on the grill without a problem, as aluminum can withstand high temperatures.

However, it’s a good idea to avoid super-high heat with aluminum because they are prone to warping. If you use your favorite cookie sheet on the grill, it may not do well with baking cookies the next time you use it in the oven.

Use your second-best set of aluminum bakeware instead.

Enameled Cast Iron

Enameled cast iron works great in the oven, but the enamel cannot withstand the high heat of a grill.

If you have a propane grill with temperature controls, you could use an enameled cast iron pan at lower temperatures without harm. But since these pans tend to be quite expensive, you don’t want to risk ruining them.


Copper pans do well in high heat, and many are lined with stainless steel to prevent reactivity with acidic foods. This also makes the pans sturdier.

Cooper cookware is expensive, so you might want to think twice before putting them on the grill. They could get warped or discolored.

Glass and Stoneware

Pans made of glass, stoneware, or ceramic should never be used on any type of grill because of the danger of cracking or breaking. Glass or stoneware cannot handle the direct high heat generated by a grill.

Is It Safe to Put a Pan on the Grill?

Cooking on a grill always carries some inherent dangers, and you don’t want to make it more dangerous because of the pan you choose to use.

It’s safe to use a metal pan on the grill, as long as you take proper precautions such as using gloves and handling the pans properly. It is very dangerous to use pans made of glass, stoneware, or ceramics.

As mentioned, glass, stone, or ceramics can crack or break. You could get burned by hot liquids that leak or spill, or you could get cut with a shard of glass.

The high heat and direct flame of a grill pose their own dangers. Anytime there is an exposed flame, you run the risk of clothing, hair, or something else catching fire. And since grills get very hot, you can experience burns on the pans or grate.

Silicone gloves are a good choice to protect your hands, and they allow you the dexterity needed to handle pans by the handles or the sides. There are also heat- and fire-resistant gloves made of other materials.

Another possible danger associated with using pans on the grill can be caused by the pan bending or warping. If the pan is thin, such as with an aluminum or foil pan, the high heat could cause the bottom to become uneven and the pan to become wobbly. This could lead to spills of hot foods.

Lastly, when using pans to cook on the grill, you should be careful about cross-contamination. This happens when the juices from raw meat mix with any sauces or marinades.

Raw meats may contain bacteria or other microorganisms, but these are killed off when the food is cooked to the right internal temperature. However, if the juices touch something that isn’t going to be thoroughly cooked, such as a sauce, there is the danger of food poisoning.

An example of cross-contamination would be marinating chicken in a pan and then using that pan to cook the chicken in. Using the marinade you soaked the chicken in as a baste also risks cross-contamination.

If you want to use the marinade as a baste while grilling, save out a portion of it before soaking the meat in it.

On the positive side, it’s possible that using pans may help to prevent the carcinogens linked to cooking on the grill. Charring meat can cause the development of heterocyclic aromatic amine (HAA), and cooking over flame may lead polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) to be formed. Both substances may cause cancer, according to some studies.

Cooking food on a pan reduces the risk of charring and eliminates the problem of fat dripping on flames, producing smoke with PAH. Therefore, a pan may be a safer way to grill compared to placing the food directly on the grate.

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Felicia has been told that she can cook some of the finest food on her street and she holds on to that compliment, believe me. But she doesn't only cook, she works as a motivational coach, personal trainer, nutritionist, and practices yoga too!

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