Can You Put Coffee in the Fridge Overnight?

Maybe you were slaving away in the kitchen so you thought you might brew half a pot of coffee. But, you realized after brewing it that you made too much? What will happen if you put coffee in your refrigerator?

You can put coffee in your refrigerator but there are a lot of variables you should consider before doing so. Coffee is brewed in many different ways and the manner in which you brew it can deeply impact how it stores in the refrigerator. You should be wary of signs of age and deterioration in your coffee. But, most importantly be very careful of mold developing on your coffee. Overall, however, refrigerated coffee can taste amazing and come in handy on those busy mornings.

Storing coffee in your fridge can help you keep your beverage tasting good and fresh. But, how long is too long? How does the brewing process impact the flavor? Let’s find out!

How Long Can You Keep Coffee in the Fridge?

There is no specific time frame in which you must discard coffee unless it gets mold. Mold can grow on very old coffee left in the fridge and is fairly evident to the naked eye.  But, if you are concerned about the taste, then the time frame is a bit different. Most throw away their fridge coffee after about a week. The time frame can vary based on how you store the coffee and how it was prepared. 

Coffee can be prepared in a plethora of ways. There’s espresso, drip coffee, french press, and the infamous cold brew. But, generally, the major distinction is between a hot brewed coffee and a cold-brewed coffee. Hot brewed coffee just means the water is boiled and then poured over the coffee grinds. Cold-brewed coffee uses cold water and steeps the coffee grinds for a couple of hours.

Many people do not realize there is a distinction between iced coffee and cold brew coffee. But, iced coffee is hot brewed coffee that is brewed directly over ice cubes. If you want to refrigerate your hot brewed coffee, this is the best way to do it. 

The ice keeps the coffee fresh and prevents it from getting a stale flavor after it brews and sits for a few hours. Iced coffee can be kept for a week and still taste pretty fresh. 

But, cold brew coffee has the longest shelf life for refrigerated coffee. The only downside is, you should wait 24-48 hours before you drink it. This is because it takes time for the coffee flavor to absorb into the cold water. 

Cold-brew coffee can be kept for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. However, make sure you keep it in a sealed container. This allows the flavors to remain in the coffee and prevents any outside scents and tastes from entering the coffee. 

Regarding espresso drinks, however, it would be best to avoid refrigerating espresso. Espresso has a very short shelf life (some say it is only good for the first 15 minutes after being pulled). If you like more sugary drinks, such as refrigerated lattes and such, this might be okay. But as far as refrigerating straight espresso, it is not recommended. 

Can You Put Hot Coffee in the Fridge?

Hot coffee can be refrigerated, but you should be careful how you go about it. Refrigerated hot coffee will not hurt you nor will it go bad right away. However, the way you store your coffee will impact the taste and freshness. Hot coffee should be stored within an hour after brewing it and should be stored in a sealed container. 

Let’s start easy and say we are refrigerating hot drip coffee. Maybe you accidentally made too much and want to save it. Hot drip coffee is a more acidic way to brew coffee. The hot temperatures tend to bring out the acid in the beans and create a more bitter flavor. 

With hot coffee, the bitter notes are usually accentuated by the cooling of the fridge. So, you may want to sweeten your coffee if you choose to refrigerate your hot brewed coffee. And, make sure you stick it in the fridge within an hour of brewing it, or else it may taste very stale. 

Drip coffee should only be kept for 3 days or else it may taste very bitter and stale. The strength of the coffee can also decrease over time and you may be disappointed if you wait a week before trying your coffee. 

Can You Reheat Hot Coffee?

You can reheat your hot coffee after it is refrigerated, but it is not recommended. You should not expect it to have a mild flavor. A lot of people are rather shocked by the pungent earthy smell and taste of reheated hot coffee. 

When hot coffee is stored in the fridge it goes through a process of oxidation. Oxidation is when oxygen molecules impact the coffee and interact with it. This oxidation removes the chocolatey and nutty flavors of coffee and replaces it with a rancid taste. 

Microwave or stovetop reheating can make these flavors pronounced. If you wish to refrigerate your hot coffee it is best to drink it as an iced coffee rather than a reheated hot coffee. 

How Long Does Coffee With Milk Last in the Fridge?

Coffee with milk in it should only be kept in the fridge for a maximum of 2 days. The coffee is acidic and will likely only make the milk have a curdled and nasty flavor. If you store your coffee in the refrigerator with milk in it you should avoid reheating it. This will probably lead to the coffee and milk getting very sour and unpleasant. 

If you have an iced coffee beverage with milk in it the time it lasts is about the same. It can last between 2-3 days if it is dairy milk. Dairy milk is more sensitive to bacteria build-up and while this might not make you sick it will impact your experience with your coffee.

If you have an iced coffee beverage made with non-dairy milk, then the shelf life is increased a little. This might push it to 3-5 days. The flavor will still be impacted, especially if the ice melts in the cup. 

But, this is true for both dairy and non-dairy coffee drinks. If you do wish to refrigerate your non-dairy milk coffee beverage, try scooping out the ice cubes with a spoon.

Can you Freeze Coffee on an Ice Cube Tray?

You can take your extra coffee and make some coffee ice cubes. Some people hate it when their ice cubes dissolve in their iced coffee or iced latte. And, this makes sense, since it will alter the taste of your drink. One relatively popular way to prevent this is to freeze coffee and make coffee ice cubes. 

 This is an excellent way to keep your ice coffee tasting strong and avoid wasting extra coffee. If you have a covered ice cube tray this recipe works even better. If you have a cover, you can keep them for well over a month without the ice cubes getting freezer burned.

Without a cover for your tray, it is best to only keep this for 3 weeks to a month. 

How Can You Tell if Coffee Has Gone Bad?

One of the most telling signs that your coffee has gone bad is if you notice discoloration or floating substances. The oils that you usually see on the top of your coffee cup will also probably not be present after your coffee has gone bad. The most obvious sign that your coffee is longer good is that it has mold floating in it. 

As coffee ages and gets oxidized the oils begin to break down. This is why you will likely not see any tasty oils floating at the top of your cup. These oils help to bind the coffee together and when they’re gone the flavors are not as impactful.

And, as your coffee breaks down it will start to separate. This separation will cause there to be little floaties in your cup. These floating pieces are a sign of separation and will make some of your coffee taste watery and other parts taste extremely bitter. 

But, the most evident sign that your coffee has gone bad is mold. Mold will usually float on top of your cup. It tends to be white with little specks of green throughout (although the colors vary). This mold should not be drunk. 

The mold can cause very bad stomach aches and may lead to you becoming very ill as a result. Also, do not skim the mold off of the top of your cup and drink it. Mold has spores so most definitely if you have mold on top you will have the spores throughout. 

What Can Happen if You Drink Bad Coffee?

This depends on how bad your coffee is. If you drink coffee with mold in it you can experience some very strong side effects. But, most of the time if you drink bad coffee you will not have anything very serious happen to you. Primarily you may get some mild stomach discomfort and an unpleasant experience. 

Bad coffee can ruin your morning if you were really hoping for a delicious, fresh cup of coffee. Or, it may not agree with you and upset your stomach for the day. It’s important to remember that old coffee is much more acidic. So, having it first thing in the morning is quite unpleasant. 

Otherwise, you may experience slight nausea or diarrhea as a result. But, the worst side effects will occur if you drink coffee with mold in it. 

Mold can cause digestive issues as well as irritate your lungs and airways. If you drink it and it is a serious strain of mold, then you may need to head to the hospital. It also can cause severe illness in young children. Needless to say, if you notice your cup has some mold on top, do not drink it.

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Felicia has been told that she can cook some of the finest food on her street and she holds on to that compliment, believe me. But she doesn't only cook, she works as a motivational coach, personal trainer, nutritionist, and practices yoga too!

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