Food & Snacks – Kitchensnitches Sun, 11 Dec 2022 14:35:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Food & Snacks – Kitchensnitches 32 32 Do All Eggs Really Taste the Same? Sun, 11 Dec 2022 14:35:39 +0000 Perhaps you woke up and are really craving an egg scramble. You go to your fridge only to realize you’re all out of chicken eggs. But your neighbors recently gave you a handful of duck eggs from their pets, and you wonder if you can use them like you would use a chicken egg? 

All eggs are typically weighed against their familiarity with chicken eggs. This is because chicken eggs are some of the most widely consumed eggs in the world, followed closely by duck eggs. Chicken eggs taste the same regardless of the color or size of the egg.

While some eggs, such as duck and quail, taste very similar to chicken eggs, others, like reptilian eggs, taste very different.

Do different colored eggs taste different from white eggs? What impacts the taste of an egg? Keep reading and learn more about all the different egg varieties! 

Do Different Color Eggs Taste Different?

Color does not directly impact the way an egg tastes. Rather, color indicates different stages of the egg lay process, which impacts the pigment of the egg after it’s laid. All chicken eggs are made of the same essential vitamins and building blocks designed to feed the chick before it hatches. 

White hens, commonly known as leghorn chickens, are usually white with red portions on their faces. Their lack of pigment impacts the white or blue coloration of their eggs. 

Hens with darker coloration, such as black, brown, or spotted feathers, are more likely to produce dark eggs. These hens produce brown and green eggs more commonly than white or blue eggs. 

Pigments are usually passed to the egg later in the laying period. This means brown eggs are inside the hen for longer than blue and white eggs. Blue eggs are the earliest variety, followed by white, brown, and green. 

While the color is impacted by the hen and incubation periods, it has no impact on the egg’s taste. 

What Impacts the Egg’s Taste?

The diet and activity level of a hen is the primary influence on the taste of an egg. Hens that receive more exercise and eat insects and grain usually produce healthier, robust eggs. Caged hens fed corn and soy primarily have less healthy eggs with a weaker, softer taste. 

Diet is the main impacter on an egg’s taste. This is because the body breaks down our food and rejuvenates the body’s cells. This impacts everything from our reproductive organs to the way our sweat smells. 

Therefore, the taste of an egg is impacted by the flavor of the food a hen eats. However, the diet and health of the hen can also impact the nutritional content of her eggs. 

Hens who have a robust, diverse diet and an active lifestyle have healthier eggs. Insects provide the hen with much-needed proteins to create eggs which are also rich in protein. Grains such as flax add omega fatty acids to their diet, meaning they lay heart-healthy eggs. 

Other things that can impact the taste of an egg include: 

  • The cleanliness of the hen’s home
  • Fresh air
  • How we store them in the fridge
  • Washed versus unwashed eggs
  • How the egg is prepared

Do Organic Eggs Taste Different?

Organic eggs do not taste better or different by default. This means the fact that they’re organic will not make them taste different from regular eggs. However, other factors more common to organic eggs can impact the egg’s taste, including diet, activity, and environment. 

Organic eggs have several distinctions from regular eggs (generally speaking, though this varies on the brand): 

  • Fluffier 
  • Smoother texture 
  • More Nutrients 
  • Fewer bacteria 
  • Healthier fats
  • Healthier cholesterol 
  • Healthier hens

However, these benefits can be impacted by the hen’s lifestyle. Just because a hen is fed only organic feed doesn’t automatically mean it’s healthier or the eggs will have more nutrients. 

Legally speaking, cage-free eggs can refer to hens raised indoors on an open floor. Some brands go the extra mile and allow hens time outside, where they hunt for various insects. However, this isn’t necessary to qualify as “cage-free,” nor are organic eggs required to be cage-free. 

True cage-free eggs raised on a mixed protein and grain diet are the best for your health. They’re also typically considered the more flavorful. 

While organic eggs usually taste better and are healthier for you, this isn’t always the case. Each brand raises their hens in different conditions and on different diets which heavily impacts their well-being. 

Do All Bird Eggs Taste Like Chicken Eggs?

All bird eggs do not taste like chicken eggs. This is similar to how most meats taste similar, but each variety differs because every animal is different. However, eggs can taste more similar to chicken eggs if they’re fed and raised similarly to chickens. 

As stated above, diet and environment are the most significant factors for egg texture and taste. This is true for other birds as well. 

While duck, goose, ostrich, and other bird eggs have their unique make-up, diet can impact their taste. If you feed your birds a diet similar to a chicken, these other bird eggs will resemble a chicken egg more. 

However, they’ll still retain their own unique taste. For example, ducks tend to live in a wilder, wetter environment where they feed primarily on insects. They don’t tend to eat grain unless they’re kept in captivity. 

Therefore, most duck eggs tend to have a much stronger taste than chicken eggs. The wet, swampy environment combined with the protein-based diet makes their eggs have a mild iron taste. 

What Do Other Eggs Taste Like?


Ostrich eggs are much larger than chicken eggs. While chicken eggs typically weigh in at under a pound, the average ostrich egg can weigh between 3-5 pounds. 

They tend to taste similar to chicken eggs. However, their yolks can have a much stronger iron taste, making them somewhat resemble an organ. Their egg whites can feel more gelatinous, especially when boiled. 

Ostrich eggs are a delicacy worldwide in places such as Russia and certain African cultures. 


Emu eggs are slightly smaller than ostrich eggs. A singular emu egg equals about two chicken eggs, whereas an ostrich egg is closer to four hen eggs. 

However, emu eggs are a popular delicacy in Australia. Wild emu usually eats a variety of native herbs, grasses, and insects, making their eggs unique. However, farmed emus are typically grain-fed, making their eggs taste similar to chickens. 

Similar to ostrich eggs, their yolks are sometimes described as slightly over-powering. 


Duck eggs tend to have a more intense flavor than chicken eggs. Some people really enjoy the robust flavor; however, it can be overpowering to others. 

Duck egg yolks are typically much darker than hen eggs and have an orange or red hue to them. The duck’s protein-rich diet makes their eggs taste a bit gamier than the average chicken’s egg.

Most people prefer to use duck eggs in baking over scrambled. 


Goose eggs have a similar taste to duck eggs since they both live in swampy environments. They’re slightly larger and more oblong-shaped than the average chicken or duck egg. 

Although, they’re not typically described as quite as gamey as a duck’s egg. Some chefs prefer goose eggs thanks to their silky-smooth texture and taste.


Swan eggs are not widely consumed because of their designation as a protected species.  However, on feasting days, they were once consumed, as well as the bird itself. 

Their eggs are typically described as similar to chicken eggs but stringier. This means their texture is not smooth and not highly regarded. 


Quail eggs have been consumed for years in most Eastern cultures. However, they’re quickly gaining traction in the West as well. 

They taste essentially the same as a chicken’s egg. Though their cute size and speckled appearance make them an appealing addition to any dish. They’re typically boiled or pickled in Asia and eaten with noodles, such as ramen. 


Sturgeon eggs, also known as black caviar, has a sweet, nutty, and buttery flavor. Although extremely different from a chicken’s egg, various fish eggs are consumed across the globe. 

Red caviar, or salmon eggs, are loved for their tangy, rich, and salty flavor. While not consumed as the main dish, like bird eggs, fish eggs are a delicious addition to toast, meats, and other dishes. 


Shark eggs can actually be consumed, but it’s not widely practiced. This is because shark eggs are actually quite hard to find and don’t have the hard shells that chicken eggs have. 

Shark reproduction is fairly complex and varies based on the type of shark. Sharks reproduce in one of four ways: 

  • Oviparous 
  • Ovoviviparous
  • Viviparous
  • Intrauterine cannabalism

While we won’t dive into the details of each method, neither makes for a great egg scramble. Most sharks actually give live birth (viviparous), but some small breeds lay eggs (oviparous). 

These eggs can be seen on the beach. This discarded casing which once held the baby, is usually referred to as a mermaid’s purse. However, these aren’t commonly eaten.


The platypus is by far one of the weirdest creatures on earth. With the body of a beaver and the bill of a duck, many explorers thought it was a strange chimera when they first laid eyes on it. 

While the platypus does lay eggs (one of the few mammals that do), these shouldn’t be consumed. Platypus is a highly venomous species, and their eggs are potentially hazardous to consume. 


Echidnas are the only other egg-laying mammal species known on the planet besides platypus. While they lay eggs, their eggs aren’t considered good for human consumption. 

They lack many basic nutrients, such as sufficient quantities of protein, which we’d hope to find in an egg. They’re very small and don’t merit consumption. 


Crocodile and alligator eggs are a delicacy in many cultures. Some ice cream shops in Asia sell it as an ice cream flavor! 

While they look remarkably similar to chicken eggs (only larger), they taste quite different. Most describe it as having the texture of a chicken’s egg with a powerful fish taste. 

This might be an acquired taste, but many people across the globe enjoy them scrambled, boiled, or mixed in ice cream!


Snake eggs are similar to crocodile eggs in their taste. They have a similar texture to chicken eggs but also a powerful fishy flavor. 

There are several precautions you should take before consuming a snake’s eggs. They have high levels of salmonella and other bacteria, which can cause gastrointestinal issues. Always wash and thoroughly cooked before consumption. 

Additionally, snakes gestate quickly. You must consume their eggs very soon after they’ve been laid, or else you could risk eating a little snake! 


Iguana eggs are widely consumed by people in Central and South America. However, they don’t taste like chicken or crocodile eggs. 

The best description of an iguana’s egg is it tastes similar to hard cheese. It has a fleshy exterior and resembles hard cheese, such as cheddar. 


Turtle eggs, especially sea turtle eggs, are said to taste very similar to chicken eggs. However, they have an underlying fish taste. 

Although, we don’t recommend consuming turtle eggs since they’re all members of an endangered species.

Can You Eat Hummus Left Out Overnight? Wed, 28 Sep 2022 10:19:09 +0000 According to historical records, hummus was first invented in the 1200s in Egypt. It was a popular dish used to spread on flatbreads and other simple foods. Although other regions of the world claim this food as their own, we can all agree that it is delicious food for all occasions!

Hummus should never be left out overnight at room temperature. After four hours at room temperature, hummus can become contaminated with several kinds of bacteria. If consumed, you can become sick or suffer digestive discomfort. 

What’s the best way to store your hummus? Is it okay to freeze your hummus if you’re afraid of it spoiling? Keep reading to learn all you need to know! 

How Can You Tell If Hummus Has Gone Bad?

The best way to tell if your hummus has gone bad is to check the age and sniff it. Hummus gets very bitter, rancid, and fermented as it ages, which creates a very intense smell. If you notice your hummus smells off, be careful eating it. 

Hummus comes in almost every flavor imaginable. Some of these flavors include: 

  • Chocolate 
  • Everything bagel 
  • Garlic 
  • Sour cream and onion 
  • Lemon zest 
  • Poppyseed 

Basically, whatever flavor you can get a bagel in, you can also get in hummus. This can make the smell test a little bit more difficult since all those scents and flavors mixed together can mask the natural scent of hummus. 

Garlic and lemon are particularly difficult, but there are still ways to tell if they have gone bad! These include: 

  • Rancid scent 
  • Moldy smell 
  • Visible mold 
  • Runny or wet appearance
  • Slimy feeling

If you notice mold growing anywhere within the hummus container, then you should throw it away. Mold can be very dangerous to consume and can cause severe allergic or gastric issues. 

Mold also grows through spores. Simply scrapping it off the top won’t totally eliminate the presence of dangerous growth. 

Unlike hard cheese, hummus is a soft substance, and thus the spores spread rapidly. You can rely on scraping it off the top as you would with many kinds of cheese and other hard substances. 

A runny or wet appearance may signify your hummus was not stored at optimal temperature. This could indicate a heavy presence of bacteria.

Last, you can rely on the “use by” date when determining whether the hummus is still good or not. Although it is not 100% accurate, and you might be able to eat expired hummus, it should be considered. 

The use by date is based on the date the hummus was made and how long the shelf life is expected to last. If you make your own hummus, write the date you made it on the container, and if a week has passed, be cautious before eating. 

Does It Matter What You Dip in Your Hummus? 

You can dip pretty much whatever you like into hummus, there are some things you should avoid. Meat and dairy products should be kept away from hummus that you plan on putting back into the fridge. Some foods have more bacteria and can potentially spread throughout the hummus. 

When you plan to use your hummus over a week, you should avoid dipping certain foods. Specifically, avoid dipping hot dogs, hamburger meat, and fish. Although these are strange foods to dip in your hummus, some people do select these foods. 

You should also avoid dipping unwashed fruits and vegetables in your hummus. Unwashed fruits and vegetables hold a lot of bacteria and can easily be spread into foods such as hummus. Not to mention, it’s unsafe to consume unwashed vegetables and fruits. 

These foods can cause your hummus to spoil faster than it usually will. If you dipped these foods into your hummus, it’s probably safer to throw the remaining hummus away rather than keep it.

Alternatively, if you wish to dip meats in hummus, you should scoop out a small amount into a dish and use this rather than contaminate the whole container. 

What Happens If You Eat Bad Hummus?

Eating bad hummus can cause you to get food poisoning and other foodborne illnesses. Bad hummus can have high amounts of bacteria, fungal spores, and other dangerous substances. This usually causes vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pains. 

Most of the time, food poisoning is not severe or permanently harmful. Typically, it simply causes symptoms such as: 

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Cramping 
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Body aches
  • Fever

These symptoms are not usually severe or chronic. They are caused by consuming contaminated foods or drinks and having those bacteria or fungal spores in your gut. The most common bacteria and funguses which grow on hummus include: 

  • Salmonella 
  • E. Coli 
  • Norovirus 
  • Clostridium perfringens
  • Staphylococcus aureus (Staph)
  • Candida
  • Aspergillus
  • Mucromycetes 

Most people who suffer an infection only have temporary symptoms. If your symptoms do not clear within a week, you should visit the doctor. It’s possible that the bacteria or fungi were very intense or your immune system is compromised. 

If you have a pre-existing condition, you should be especially careful. On rare occasions, food poisoning can cause permanent damage to your organs or even cause death.

How Should Hummus Be Stored?

Hummus should be stored in the refrigerator at all times at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius).

If you purchased your hummus from the grocery store, you should keep it within the original container. If you make your own or need to replace the old container, place your hummus in a sealed container. 

Hummus should always be stored in a properly sealed, air-tight container. Foods in the refrigerator can be subjected to cross-contamination from other foods or liquids in the fridge. This can be milk, soup broth, or even particles of solid foods falling into your hummus. 

A properly sealed container will also prevent the other scents from the fridge from impacting your hummus. Foods such as onions, garlic, and other potently strong foods can impact how your hummus tastes and affect its taste. 

Shelf stable hummus can be stored at room temperature up until the use-by date. Make sure it’s kept away from heat sources and out of direct sunlight, and ensure it doesn’t get wet. This can impact the hummus taste and cause it to spoil faster. 

How Long Does Hummus Last?

Hummus can last up to ten days if properly stored in the fridge and kept at a consistent temperature. If you leave your hummus out at room temperature for prolonged periods or expose it to contamination, it will not last as long.

The types of ingredients and preservatives you use in your hummus can impact how long it lasts. 

Plain or original hummus has one of the longest shelf lives. This is because original hummus contains only chickpeas, tahini, and lemon zest. However, most store-bought hummuses contain garlic, onion, and other ingredients. 

Some brands use more preservatives such as potassium sorbate, benzoate, and acids. These preservatives allow hummus to last over a week in the refrigerator. However, if you make your own hummus or buy a natural hummus, it may only last 4-5 days. 

Some flavors, such as artichoke and fruit-flavored hummuses, expire faster than lemon or original. You should only keep these types of hummuses in the fridge for up to 4-5 days, even with preservatives. 

How Long Can Unopened Hummus Be Stored at Room Temperature?

An opened container of hummus should only be kept for one hour at room temperature. Ideally, you shouldn’t leave your hummus exposed to the air for prolonged periods. This has more to do with the threat of cross-contamination than the temperature. 

Hummus can last up to four hours at 45-70 degrees Fahrenheit (7-21 degrees Celsius). Although it should ideally be kept in the fridge after two hours, as long as it’s not super hot outside, it should be okay to consume. 

However, if it is 75-100 degrees Fahrenheit (24-38 degrees Celsius) you should not keep it out of the fridge for more than an hour. At such high temperatures, bacteria multiply exponentially.

According to the FDA, anywhere between 40-140 degrees Fahrenheit is the perfect temperature for bacteria to grow (4-60 degrees Celsius). 

Shelf-stable hummus can be kept safely at room temperature. Just make sure to keep it somewhere cool or dark for optimal storage. 

Can you Freeze Hummus?

You can freeze hummus for up to one year in the freezer. However, the freezing process may cause the texture and flavors to break down and become unpleasant. For the best results, you should store it in a freezer-safe container or bag. 

The easiest way to freeze hummus is to first dish out the hummus into single serving portions. Once you thaw hummus, you should not refreeze it since it has the potential to grow more bacteria. 

Place single servings of hummus in freezer-safe bags or containers. Alternatively, you can also use an ice cube tray. But we recommend you use a covered ice cube tray rather than the kinds with an opened top. 

Can You Eat Cooked Bacon Left Out Overnight? Sun, 18 Sep 2022 19:18:04 +0000 You’ve made the greatest meal there is: one that includes bacon. In a classic case of your eyes being bigger than your stomach, however, there are leftovers and—whoops!—you forgot to put the bacon in the fridge. Now it’s the next day and you are looking at it longingly and wondering, “Is this safe to eat?”

You should not eat bacon that’s been left out at room temperature for more than two hours. All perishable foods that have been left out for more than two hours are considered unsafe to eat. This is because the bacterial growth starts to multiply. Store your bacon in the fridge as soon as it has cooled down.

What’s a clear indicator that bacon has gone bad? Are there any visible signs? What kind of symptoms can you expect to experience if you’ve consumed bad bacon? Continue reading as we’ll cover the topic.

How Long Can Different Types of Bacon Sit Out?

The USDA says it is not safe to eat foods left in the “Danger Zone” (40–140°F / 4–60°C) for more than two hours. If it is a hot day and your room temperature is over 90°F, the window of safe, non-refrigerated time is reduced to just one hour.

That said, cooked bacon is a unique food because it is salted, (usually) treated with nitrites, and has a low water activity level, all of which slow bacterial growth.

You will want to pay attention to the kind of bacon you’ve cooked and other factors described below when deciding if it’s safe to eat after being left out overnight.

As always, remember that the best rule of thumb with food safety is: better safe than sorry.


Cured bacon has been treated with nitrites, which reduces the chances of botulism and slows the growth of bacteria. Still, if the bacon has been left out at room temperature for an entire night, it’s not worth taking the chance.

If it’s just for an hour or two, the bacon might be in the safe zone but we don’t recommend eating any perishable food that’s been sitting out for about 2 hours or more. Because bacon is cured it might be a bit safer than other foods when it gets close to that 2-hour mark.

However, beware of cross-contamination. If your leftover bacon has eggs, condiments, or other food on it, these foods (which of course have not been cured) could have bacterial growth and cause food poisoning.

Turkey Bacon

Turkey bacon is pork bacon’s healthier alternative, but all the same rules apply when it comes to storing the leftovers. The safest scenario is that the turkey bacon is placed in an airtight container and put into cold storage within two hours of being cooked.

If you leave it out overnight, the same guidelines apply: You should most likely not eat the bacon if it’s been sitting out at room temperature for more than two hours.

Use your judgment: is it a warmer than average room temperature? Did the bacon come into contact with any other foods and therefore more likely to experience bacterial growth? As always, better safe than sorry.


Pancetta is an Italian bacon that has been cured and salted for up to two months which removes nearly all the moisture from the meat. This process slows bacterial growth, making it safer to consume if it has been left out overnight.  

As always, play it safe and pay attention to other factors. The USDA says that if cooked food is left out of cold storage for more than two hours, it poses a food poisoning risk.

If your room temperature is warmer than usual (90°F or warmer) or if the food has been in contact with any other, non-cured foods, play it safe and opt out of eating the leftovers.

Vegetarian Bacon

If you love bacon, but don’t love the idea of eating animals, veggie bacon is a great alternative. However, if you’ve left it out overnight, it is not safe to eat.

Vegetarian bacon is usually made from soy products which do not last long outside of cold storage. Unlike the animal-based bacon products, vegetarian bacon has not been cured, and it will go bad if left out of cold storage.

Follow the USDA’s guidelines on this and put it safely into cold storage within two hours of cooking and serving. If you forget to do this, pass on eating the leftovers.

Smoked Bacon

Smoked bacon that has been left out overnight should not be eaten. It has been through a seasoning and curing process that enhances its flavor wonderfully but also makes the preservatives in the meat less effective.

Follow the USDA safety guidelines strictly here, and get smoked bacon into cold storage within two hours of cooking. If you forget to do this, pass on the leftovers; a great excuse to cook more smoked bacon!

Pork Loin

If you’ve made yourself some pork loin instead of bacon, you’ve enjoyed a tender and delicious cut of the pig’s back that has gone through less processing than traditional bacon. For this reason, if you’ve made too much, be sure to refrigerate immediately.

If you’ve left the pork loin leftovers out overnight, it is not safe to eat. USDA guidelines urge cold storage within two hours, so if left out, discard and do not risk food poisoning.

What Can Happen If You Eat Bacon That’s Gone Bad?

If you just can’t resist the temptation—it is bacon after all!—and you eat leftovers that have not been properly stored, you run the risk of food poisoning. Symptoms will range from mild abdominal discomfort to more severe cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

Better idea! If the bacon has been left out overnight, play it safe. Throw it out and make a fresh batch. Hot, crispy deliciousness and no threat of stomach pain (unless, of course, you eat too much!).

How Can You Tell If Bacon Has Gone Bad?

You can tell if bacon has gone bad using a simple three-way test: check the smell, the color, and the texture.

Bacon that has turned bad will have a sour smell to it, and since we all know that bacon smells amazing, this is a good first test.

Bad food will also be discolored. In the case of bacon, it will lose its pinkness if it’s uncooked or show gray, black, or greenish spots of mold if cooked. Stay away.

Finally, if the bacon has changed texture and has become slimy, it’s not worth the risk. Cooked bacon that is left out will definitely lose its crispiness and could still be okay, but beware of any leftovers that have a slick or slimy feel.

What Is The Best Way To Store Bacon?

Uncooked bacon will do best in its unopened vacuum-sealed bag in the refrigerator or freezer. Once you’ve opened this bag, you will want to store any uncooked, unused bacon back into a re-sealable airtight bag and place it back into cold storage immediately.

Once you’ve cooked your bacon, allow it to cool completely, then place it in an airtight container and place the container in cold storage within two hours of cooking.

If you plan to freeze your leftovers, wrap individual portions in paper towels and then place in an airtight container. This step will prevent the bacon from freezing together in a clump and make reheating easier.

How Long Can Bacon Be Stored?

Uncooked bacon in its original vacuum-sealed packaging will be safe to prepare up to a week after its expiration date. It’s a cured meat with a lot of preservatives, so will last longer than most meats if stored properly.

Once cooked, store in the fridge as described above and you can enjoy your leftovers for up to a week. If you freeze your cooked bacon, it will last in airtight containers for up to 6 weeks.

Bacon is such a crowd-pleaser that leftovers are rare, but when you have them, you want to make sure you make the most of them!

Follow these steps for safety and storage and enjoy leftover bacon in breakfast, salads and side dishes in the weeks to come.  

Can You Eat Mac and Cheese Left Out Overnight? Sat, 17 Sep 2022 08:43:13 +0000 Nothing says delicious “Comfort Food” like a hot, gooey batch of Mac and Cheese, and the best part is the whole family and/or all the guests agree.

But what if you didn’t finish the whole pan and you come into the kitchen in the morning to find it on the kitchen counter? It still looks delicious, of course, but is it safe to eat?

According to the USDA guidelines on food storage and safety, it is not safe to eat Mac and Cheese that has been sitting out for more than two hours. It is a perishable food item that will begin to grow bacteria at the two-hour mark unless put into cold storage.

There are plenty of things to take into consideration when cooking, storing and consuming food. Sometimes it can be hard to make a decision about whether or not a food is fresh enough to be consumed or not. We’ll show you what to look for to identify if food has gone bad!

How Long Can Mac and Cheese Sit Out?

Of course, there are two kinds of Mac and Cheese we could be talking about here. If you’re wondering about uncooked, boxed Mac and Cheese, the answer is: it can be left out for a very long time. Packaged Mac and Cheese is safe to eat for years if left in proper storage and unopened.

It’s more likely that you’re wondering about cooked Mac and Cheese because it was so delicious the first time, you’re now wondering if you can enjoy it again, even though it was left out on the counter all night.

If the “mac” were on its own, it might be a different story, but its trusty and delicious sidekick, “cheese,” gives this favorite dish a two-hour maximum on the counter before you need to get it into cold storage.

Enjoy it fresh out of the oven or off the stovetop, and then be sure to put it in the fridge or freezer before those two hours pass.

If the cooked Mac and Cheese has been left out longer than the USDA’s “Danger Zone” of two hours, your best bet is to throw it out and start again. It doesn’t feel good, but consider this a great opportunity to make a fresh, hot batch of this crowd-pleaser.

What Can Happen If You Eat Spoiled Mac and Cheese?

If you just couldn’t resist those leftovers even though they were sitting out a little (or a lot!) longer than the recommended two hours, we get it.

It was so good the first time, you hate to see it go to waste! If you eat spoiled Mac and Cheese, however, be prepared for some stomach discomfort.

If you eat spoiled food of any kind, Mac and Cheese included, you will likely experience some symptoms of food poisoning.

These can range from mild symptoms like stomach discomfort, loss of appetite, and nausea to more extreme symptoms like fever, vomiting, and diarrhea.

If you experience any of these more extreme symptoms, such as high fever, diarrhea for more than two days, or signs of dehydration, including dry mouth, it is best to consult with a doctor immediately. Food poisoning can be uncomfortable; dehydration can be dangerous.

How Can You Tell If Mac and Cheese Has Gone Bad?

If we’re talking about the unopened box of Mac and Cheese that somehow got lost in the back of the pantry, good news: chances are very good that it’s still edible and you’ve got your dinner plan for the night.

Dry, uncooked pasta with packaged, powdered cheese has a long shelf life as long as it has stayed sealed and dry while in storage.

If you’re not sure, or if the expiration date has passed, you can test it by pouring the dry ingredients into a clear, glass bowl to look for signs of clumping, bugs (pantry moths are the worst!), or mold growth.

If there are any signs of these things, throw the contents away and head back to the pantry for Plan B for tonight’s dinner!

If the Mac and Cheese in question is pre-cooked and leftover from dinner a few nights ago, it will be pretty clear if it’s still good to eat with a quick “sniff test.” Bacterial growth on cheese is quick to give off an unpleasant odor, so smell it and decide if it’s still good to eat.

Even more obvious will be any signs of mold growth. Here, you’ll see discoloration on the cheese and noodles if you even get that far; chances are good that you’ll smell that it has gone bad long before you see the mold growing.

As with all questions about the safety of eating a food, the best rule of thumb is always: better safe than sorry. If you aren’t sure if that smell is good or not, throw it out and start over. Your belly will thank you for erring on the side of caution.

How Should You Store Mac and Cheese?

One of the benefits of uncooked, packaged Mac and Cheese is that it has a long shelf life. Keep it stored in its original packaging in a cool, dry place.

If you know it’s going to be stored for a while, take the extra precaution of putting the unopened packages of Mac and Cheese into an airtight container (Tupperware, snap tops, etc.).

This extra precaution of using a sealable storage container for your packaged, uncooked food will help keep the uncooked food fresher as well as prevent pantry bug infestations.

If you’ve cooked your store-bought Mac and Cheese or made your own batch of it from scratch, you’ll want to save anything you didn’t eat for another meal.

To ensure safe storage of your cooked, leftover Mac and Cheese, put it into an airtight or well-covered container and put it into the refrigerator within two hours of it being prepared.

Cooked Mac and Cheese that you want to save for later can also be frozen. For best results, divide leftovers into individual serving sizes and freeze them in ziplocked bags for quick thawing. Whole batches can be stored in the same manner; just allow for more thaw time when you’re ready to eat.

Mac and Cheese can also be stored in an airtight glass or plastic container and then put into the freezer.

How Long Can Mac and Cheese Be Stored?

If you’re wondering about the packaged, uncooked boxed mac and cheese, you have a surprisingly long window of time. Depending on the brand, boxed mac and cheese that has been stored in a cool, dry place can be edible for up to two years past its expiration date!

Once you’ve prepared and cooked the contents of the box, or prepared your homemade batch of Mac and Cheese, you can enjoy it for 3-4 days following your original meal. Be sure you’ve stored it properly in the fridge and remember to do a quick smell test… cheese is quick to tell you if it’s not good!

If you’ve chosen to freeze your Mac and Cheese, and your freezer is kept at a consistent frozen level (under 32˚F or 0˚C), it will remain safe to eat indefinitely. However, the quality of the food’s taste and texture will deteriorate after 1-2 months.

There’s a good reason why Mac and Cheese is a staple and a favorite among all ages and throughout all stages of life. It’s delicious and you can make it in large batches so you can enjoy it again and again!

Do yourself and your future, hungry self a favor: store your Mac and Cheese in a timely and safe manner so you can enjoy a second (or third) time around!

Can You Eat Turkey Left Out At Room Temperature? Sat, 17 Sep 2022 08:37:38 +0000 Turkey: it’s not just for American Thanksgiving, anymore. It’s a delicious alternative to higher-fat meats, a great source of a complete protein, and it can be made year-round for a great family dinner.

Here, we’ll discuss how to store turkey leftovers and turkey deli meats in a timely and proper manner so it’s not only delicious but also safe to eat!

Cooked turkey is safe to eat if left out at room temperature for two hours or less. The USDA identifies anything beyond these two hours as the “Danger Zone” for perishable foods – the zone in which harmful bacteria begin to grow and food becomes unsafe to eat. Dispose of your cooked turkey if it has been left out at room temperature for more than two hours.

It may not be easy to make a decision when the food has been sitting out for just a while. Knowing what to look for to identify when cooked food has gone bad will facilitate the process substantially.

Is It Safe To Eat Turkey Left Out Overnight?

You’ve enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner, or packed deli turkey sandwiches for lunches tomorrow, and then got distracted before getting the turkey put away. You wake up to find the meat still on the kitchen counter and it’s tempting to think it’s still just fine.

Don’t risk it. Meat is a highly perishable food item on which bacteria grows very well and very quickly. The USDA advises against eating foods that have been left out of cold storage for more than two hours, and the full night on the counter greatly exceeds this limit.

Play it safe and throw the turkey away.

Can You Get Food Poisoning From Turkey That’s Been Sitting Out?

Food poisoning is a real concern with perishable foods that have sat at room temperature for too long. If you eat turkey that has been sitting out for more than two hours, you’re in what the USDA calls the “Danger Zone” and at risk for food poisoning.

Two hours is the general rule of thumb, but pay attention to your surroundings. Is it a hot summer day making the “room temperature” even warmer than usual?

If so, the bacteria will grow faster and put you at greater risk of food poisoning as soon as within the hour of “room temp” storage.

As always, err on the side of caution. Turkey is a delicious and great source of protein, but not worth the risk of food poisoning.

How Can You Tell If Turkey Has Gone Bad?

Meat–whether it’s cooked or uncooked– is pretty good about letting you know when it is no longer safe to eat. Because it grows bacteria quickly if left out, the rancid smell will send a clear message quickly: do not eat.

Cooked turkey should smell like the seasoning in which you cooked it. Deli turkey and raw turkey should have a neutral smell that, while not as pleasant as fresh out of the oven, definitely doesn’t smell rancid.

The other big telltale sign for meat that has gone bad is texture. If your meat has a slimy coating to it– and you’re sure it’s not gravy!– that is the layer of bacteria growth forming. The best bet is to throw this turkey away.

Whether it’s been left out or put into storage and you see any kind of discoloration or growth on its surface, this is a sure sign that its shelf life is over and it is not safe to eat. Do not be tempted to cut away “the bad parts;” mold growth tells you that the meat is bad all over.

How Long Can Turkey Be Stored?

Turkey makes for great leftover meals for days, even months, as long as it is stored properly. If you plan to use the turkey soon, the refrigerator will do the trick. If you have more long-term plans for your bird, turkey freezes really well.

Raw, whole birds (or parts of whole birds) must be used within the shortest window– 1-2 days is all you have for safe storage of raw turkey. Once the bird (or partial bird) is cooked, you can store it in the fridge and safely enjoy it for leftover meals for 3-4 days.

Deli turkey– also known as sandwich meat, lunch meat or cold cuts– is treated with curing, salting, fermenting, or smoking and can therefore last a bit longer in the refrigerator. If properly wrapped in a sealed, airtight storage, you can safely eat refrigerated deli turkey up to 4-5 days after storing.

If you don’t have plans for your turkey within the next few days, turkey does very well in the freezer. Wrap your raw or cooked turkey in a resealable, airtight plastic bag or storage container and freeze for a meal months on down the road.

Raw turkey will freeze well for 6-9 months. Cooked turkey will be safe and good to eat for up to a year after freezing. Deli turkey slices can safely be stored in a freezer indefinitely, but for the best taste and texture, you’ll want to thaw and eat the turkey within a month or two.

For best results when storing frozen deli meat, wrap the package that it comes in with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place it into a resealable plastic bag or storage container. This will slow the deterioration of the quality in taste and texture while it sits in your freezer.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Freezing meats is a great way to ensure leftovers since it keeps the meat safe from bacterial growth. However, you also need to thaw your meat properly to make sure that it is still safe to eat.

Do not allow frozen turkey to sit out on a counter to thaw. Put the turkey into the fridge and plan ahead accordingly as if it is a larger piece or a whole bird, this could take up to a couple of days. Deli meat should be thawed in the same manner, so plan ahead for making school lunches with frozen turkey slices!

Should You Throw Away Turkey That Hasn’t Been Stored Properly?

You came home from the store and put away all your groceries… except that package of turkey meat hiding at the bottom of the bag.

Or, it was a delicious turkey dinner, but that darn tryptophan kicked in and knocked you out for the night. Now, the turkey has been sitting out long past the “danger zone.”

What to do? It seems such a waste to throw food away, but in this case, it’s the right thing to do. Turkey meat is a perishable food item that grows unhealthy bacteria quickly when not stored properly.

If you haven’t put the turkey into cold storage within two hours of cooking, throw it away.

It is always better to be safe than sorry here.

How Should Turkey Be Stored?

If you’ve just brought your deli meat (aka lunch meat, cold cuts, sandwich meat) home from the store, and you plan to make sandwiches over the next few days, keep it in its original packaging and put it in the refrigerator.

If you get it home and realize you already have a package that needs to be eaten in the refrigerator, don’t worry! The new package can be frozen. Keep it unopened in its store packaging and wrap it in an extra layer of plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Put it into the freezer. Turkey sandwiches will be on the lunch menu next month, too!

If you come how with a full or partial raw bird, and you plan to cook in today or tomorrow, keep it in its store packaging and put it into the refrigerator as soon as you get home.

If it’s an especially hot day and you’ve been out running errands, be sure you’re watching the clock and you’ve put the turkey into the fridge within an hour of it leaving cold storage at the market.

If you’re not planning to cook the raw turkey within a day or so, you’ll need to get it into the freezer. Its original store packaging will keep it fresh and good in the freezer for a while, but if you don’t have any plans for next few weeks to use the bird, give it an extra layer of plastic wrap or aluminum foil before freezing.

What if it’s a day or two after Thanksgiving and the very thought of eating any more turkey is making your stomach turn? You know it’s still good and you know you’ll crave it again, but you just need a turkey break. Store your cooked turkey properly and enjoy leftovers in January!

To make it easy on you when you do want to eat turkey again, carve the bird into whatever size servings make the most sense for your household before you freeze it.

Wrap cooked turkey in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and then place in a resealable bag or storage container. Get it into the freezer and don’t give it another thought until you crave it again.

Turkey is a family and dinner party favorite for good reason: it’s the gift that keeps on giving! Just be sure to store it promptly and properly so you can enjoy leftovers as another meal safely. For best results, don’t forget the gravy.

Can You Eat Tuna Left Out Overnight? Sat, 17 Sep 2022 07:39:22 +0000 Tuna is a great source of protein, easy to prepare in a variety of ways and a good source of your daily omega-3s, so it’s not surprising that it’s in pantries everywhere.

But what to do if a can gets opened and then left out overnight? What if the fresh tuna was left in a grocery bag overnight?

Fresh or canned tuna that has been opened and left to sit out overnight should not be eaten. The USDA puts tuna solidly in the “danger zone” after two hours of sitting in room temperature environments.

How can you identify if your tuna has gone bad if it has been sitting out for just a bit? What should you be looking for? What are the risks of consuming tuna that’s gone bad? Continue reading as we’ll cover all of these topics.

How Long Can Tuna Be Left Out Before Going Bad?

Tuna comes in a few different forms so we’ll break it down here to be clear about the kind of tuna you’re wondering about. There’s fresh tuna – skipjack (most common), albacore, yellowfin, and bigeye; and there’s canned tuna–albacore and chunk light.

Canned tuna of either variety that has not been opened can sit on your pantry shelf for years and still be safe to consume.

If you’re hoping to make some tuna salad and wondering about a closed can that you found deep on the pantry shelf, chances are very good that you’ve purchased and brought it home within its safety window. Bon Appetit.

If you’ve opened the can of tuna and left it out, it’s an immediate game-changer. Canned tuna that has been opened should not be eaten if it has been sitting out of cold storage for more than two hours.

It’s worth noting here that it’s important to pay attention to your environment. If it’s a hotter-than-average day, shorten that window of time and eat the leftover tuna in under an hour or, get it into the fridge.

If tonight is homemade sushi night and you came home from the market with a fresh, sushi-grade tuna steak and forgot to put it in the fridge, proceed carefully.

The USDA gives it two hours before you should throw it away; but with raw fish, you want to be careful and shorten that window if it’s warmer than average in the area you left it sitting out.

As with most perishable foods, the general rule of thumb is to eat it immediately or get it into cold storage in under two hours. As always, err on the side of caution.

How to Tell If Tuna Has Gone Bad

The good news is that tuna will be very honest with you and let you know immediately if it should be eaten or thrown out. There are three ways to get a good sense of how safe it is to eat: check the smell, the color, and its packaging.

Because tuna is a pungent fish, the fact that it has an odor is not enough to tell you if it’s gone bad. The smell will be strong even if it’s fine to eat, but it should be a fresh and clean smell, whether it’s from the butcher or the can. If it has an unappetizing odor or makes you turn away when you smell it, it has gone bad.

When you’re buying fresh or frozen tuna, the color of the steak is something to pay attention to. The fat content in different kinds of tuna determines how red or pink the flesh is, and further processing of frozen steaks uses methods to keep the red and pink hues from turning an unappetizing shade of brown.

If you notice browning around the bone in the tuna steak, beware: that is a sign that it has not been properly stored during the transport or grocery storage process.

If there is any indication of darker brown, black or green–in fresh OR canned tuna, discard it immediately.

Finally, check the packaging for two important pieces of information to see if your tuna is bad. One, look for the sell-by date on canned or frozen tuna. If you’re within a reasonable timeframe of that date, you should be good to go.

Two, when it comes to canned tuna, look for any bulges or openings at the seams of the can itself. If you find any abnormalities on the can (other than dents from transport or falling off your pantry shelf), throw the can away, as it’s a sign that the tuna is bad and that is just not worth the risk of food poisoning.

Can Eating Bad Tuna Make You Sick?

Eating bad food of any kind can make you sick and tuna is no exception. If you know it’s been out longer than is safe or you’re taking a risk on a questionable can of tuna, you risk food poisoning.

Symptoms of food poisoning from bad fish can range from minor stomach discomfort to major cramping, diarrhea and vomiting. More extreme cases of these symptoms can lead to dehydration which is a serious health concern for which you should seek medical help.

If you’ve made a delicious tuna salad and forgot to get it into the fridge, it’s hard to resist the temptation to eat the leftovers – we get it. But given the discomfort caused by eating bad food, you’d be wise to consider the consequence and play it safe.

How Should Tuna Be Stored?

Tuna salad can make for great meals for days to come, so be sure to get it wrapped up and stored properly so you can enjoy your leftovers in sandwiches or salads!

If you’ve opened the can of tuna and mixed it with vinegar or mayonnaise and made your favorite tuna salad recipe, eat what you want, and then put the rest in a tightly sealed container or bag and refrigerate.

Tuna salad can also be frozen if you don’t think you’ll want your leftovers in the next day or two. Place it all into a resealable bag or storage container (leaving a bit of room for the freezing process to expand the food), and store it in your freezer for up to five days.

If you’re going with the freezing option, but want to make the thawing and serving step easier, pack your leftover tuna salad into individual serving sizes before you freeze. Then, just take them out as needed and enjoy them for up to five days.

If your eyes were bigger than your stomach for sushi night and you want to save the fresh, raw tuna for a salad tomorrow, be sure your refrigerator is set at 39F or lower, wrap the leftovers tightly in plastic wrap and a resealable bag or storage container and enjoy for up to two days.

Do not refreeze fresh tuna that you bought at the store as it was flash-frozen for its initial transport and you don’t want to refreeze fish. Similarly, if you thawed your tuna at home, do not refreeze. Refrigeration is the way to go if you have any leftover fresh tuna.

How Long Does Canned Tuna Last at Room Temperature?

We all love having it on hand for quick lunches, high-protein additions to salads, and kid-friendly meals, but how long can it sit on that pantry shelf and really still be okay to eat?

The canning process for tuna seals the fish off from any potential bacterial growth and creates an environment for the food that makes it safe to sit on your shelf for approximately four years. The exception, of course, is if you see any bulges or broken seams in the can; if so, throw it away.

Once you’ve opened the can, it will only be good to eat for approximately two hours when left at room temperature.

Since it’s the canning process that preserves the meat– and not any smoking or salting or otherwise preserving the actual fish itself–it will begin to grow harmful bacteria within two hours of an average temperature day.

If it’s hotter than 90F/32C, you should not keep tuna out of cold storage for more than an hour and still hope to eat it.

Whether it’s a tuna salad recipe handed down from a great-grandmother or an experiment hosting a homemade sushi dinner party, tuna can be a family and crowd pleaser. Make the most of this great food and your efforts by getting leftovers properly stored away so you can enjoy them again the next day!

Can You Eat Cooked Beans Left Out Overnight Mon, 29 Aug 2022 17:08:28 +0000 Beans are a great source of protein and fiber, they fill our bellies, and are an inexpensive, delicious addition to a wide variety of meals from cuisines worldwide. When you add all that to the fact that they are a great addition to taco night, there really is nothing but love for this food.

However, if you’ve made too many pintos and forgot to put them away, you’re likely better off starting with a fresh batch.

According to the USDA, any perishable food left out of cold storage for more than two hours enters into the “danger zone” and eating it puts you at risk of food poisoning. Cooked beans are no exception and should not be eaten if left out overnight at room temperature.

How Long Can Beans Sit Out at Room Temperature?

So you’re hosting Taco Tuesday and have some cooked beans out on the buffet table. Or maybe it’s Mediterranean night and you’ve prepared a delicious garbanzo bean salad. How long can you keep your dish out for the taking and not risk people getting sick?

According to the USDA, you can safely keep these cooked bean dishes on the buffet table at room temperature for up to two hours. You can extend this time a little bit if you keep them in the hot pot in which they were cooked with the lid on to preserve the time that they are still very warm.

If you live in a hotter than average climate, take this into consideration and know that your window for safely leaving the beans on the counter will be shorter. The USDA recommends only leaving foods unrefrigerated for an hour if the average temperature is above 90F/32C

Once the beans have cooled a bit and everyone has enjoyed their dinner with a side of beans, it’s time to get them into cold storage so you can enjoy it all again tomorrow and the next day. (Who said Taco Wednesdays and Thursdays can’t be a thing?)

What Happens If You Eat Beans That Have Gone Bad?

So, perhaps you made the batch of margaritas a bit too strong and you simply didn’t get around to cleaning the kitchen after Taco Tuesday party night.

The next day, you find the beans and make some huevos rancheros for breakfast. They were so good the night before, why not add some eggs and do it all again this morning?

It’s a risk. Bacteria begins to form on perishable food items after about 2 hours at room temperature. (If your climate is an exceptionally warm one, this window is even shorter).

Eating food that has begun to grow bacteria can lead to food poisoning which has a wide range of symptoms from minor abdominal discomfort to severe cramping, fever, diarrhea, and dehydration.

In extreme cases, when diarrhea or vomiting lasts for more than a couple of hours, dehydration can become an issue that requires immediate medical assistance. The best bet is to err on the side of caution: throw away the beans left out on the counter and start a fresh batch.

How Can You Tell If Beans Have Gone Bad?

Whether you’ve left them out or put them away properly and a few days later you come across another inspiring bean recipe. It calls for the same beans you made a few nights ago and you’re hoping to use your leftovers. Is it safe to do so?

No need to make a wild guess because there is good news: beans will not lie to you. The smell of beans that have turned or begun to grow bacteria is strong and offensive. A quick sniff test will tell you if they smell like a yummy addition to your taco plate or a very bad idea.

If they’ve been in the fridge or on the counter for too long, you’ll be able to see the bacteria growth in the form of a white-ish film which (see above) will also smell very bad. Black and pinto beans are especially forthcoming here because light-colored growth is easy to see in contrast to their darker colors.

If you’re wondering about a can of beans that has not yet been opened, check the expiration date on the can itself. Beans make a great pantry item and “emergency box” food because they can last a long time on the shelf, but all foods have eventual expiration dates. It’s a good idea to throw out anything past the factory label expiration date.

Finally, the jar of dry beans in your pantry will last for years. Assuming the pantry is dark and dry, your jars of dry beans will be a great source for meal-making almost indefinitely.

Of course, all good things come to an end and after a couple of years, even dry storage beans will not taste as fresh after cooking. If they’ve sat unused for a long time, shake the jar and look for signs of moths or mold.

How Should Cooked Beans Be Stored?

Beans make great leftover additions to a wide variety of meals for the next few days, so it’s worth taking the time to get them into proper storage after they’ve been enjoyed. A few simple steps and you’re looking at an easy, nutritious side dish for days to come.

Allow beans to cool, place into an airtight container, and place in the fridge. You can use resealable bags, but this tends to be messier than a glass or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Avoid simply covering a bowl with plastic or foil, as this is not airtight and beans will not last as long, even in cold storage.

Cooked beans can also be frozen, although they do tend to dry out a bit, so be sure to store them with plenty of liquid. Pour the room temperature cooked beans and cooking liquid into a resealable bag, leaving room for expansion. Press out excess air, seal tightly, and lay flat in the freezer. You’ll want to use a sharpie to date the resealable bag.

How Long Do Cooked Beans Last?

If you get your beans into the refrigerator in a timely manner and sealed properly they’ll be good additions to other meals for 3-5 days. If you have used an airtight container, you’ll enjoy your leftovers for 4-5 days, whereas if you’ve opted to cover the bowl with plastic wrap or foil you’ll need to use the beans within 2-3 days.

If you’ve opted to freeze your beans, you’ll be glad that you marked the date on your freezer bag. Use leftover frozen beans within 4-6 weeks of initial freezing.

For optimum use, freeze beans in appropriate portions for your household when you put them in the freezer originally, so you can defrost and reheat only what you need.

Whether it’s taco night pintos being used as refried beans or garbanzo beans being turned into hummus, the wide variety of bean recipes make them a great leftover food to have on hand. Get your nutritious and delicious beans into appropriate storage before the night is out so you can enjoy them again soon.

Does Chinese Food Contain Gluten? (What to Eat) Fri, 15 Jul 2022 06:26:15 +0000 Dietary restrictions can make it hard to order takeout, decide on which restaurant to go to, or even plan meals for the week. If you have celiac disease or are sensitive to gluten, you may be wondering if Chinese food is safe to eat.

Some Chinese food contains gluten but not all. Rice and rice noodles, which are two of the most commonly used ingredients in Asian cooking, do not contain gluten. Avoid other types of noodles, egg rolls, dumplings, breaded ingredients, and dark sauces, such as soy sauce, as they may contain gluten. There are gluten-free versions of popular Chinese dishes.

Never assume that all Chinese foods are gluten-free or vice versa. Soy sauce, a building block of flavor in Chinese cuisine, is as prevalent as butter in French cuisine. 

What Is Gluten?

Gluten is a collective name given to proteins found within wheat, rye, barley, and triticale. Gluten works as a binding agent which holds foods together or gives them shape. While it’s a naturally occurring protein, it can be extracted and added to foods that don’t contain gluten.

Sometimes gluten can be found in ingredients that don’t actually contain gluten. This is because ingredients containing gluten may have been processed in proximity to other gluten-free ingredients.

How Can You Tell If Something Contains Gluten?

Gluten affects everyone differently, so it is important to consider the intensity of the gluten intolerance, the ingredients, and any possible cross-contamination during preparation. We’ve laid out a roadmap below for navigating a gluten-free diet when eating Chinese food.

When Food Contains Gluten as a Raw Ingredient

On the surface level, it is not always easy to determine if a food contains gluten. The word “gluten” derives from the Latin word for “glue” which has its roots in gel-, the Indo-European root meaning “to make a coagulated lump, to be thick or sticky.”

Gluten is made up of wheat proteins that can change their shape when exposed to water. The amino acids in gluten are elastic and bond easily together. 

This is why wheat flour, which contains gluten, creates dough when exposed to water and pressure from kneading. However, all-purpose flour is not the only ingredient that contains gluten. 

Soy sauce, for example, is made from fermented wheat as well as fermented soybeans. Below is a table of common foods found in Chinese cuisine and whether or not they are safe for people who have trouble eating gluten.

FoodContains Gluten?Safe for Celiac Disease?Safe for gluten intolerance?Safe for wheat allergy?Safe for IBS? (Low FODMAP Diet)
Tamari NoYesYesYesUnknown
SrirachaNoYesYesYesOnly 1 tsp
Soy sauceYesNoNoNoOnly 2 TBSP
Fish sauceYesNoNoNoYes
Duck sauceYesNoNoNoNo
Oyster sauceYesNoNoNoYes
Hoisin sauceYesNoNoNoUnknown
Side of brown riceNoYesYesYesYes
Side of white riceNoYesYesYesYes
Fried riceYesNoNoNoYes
Rice noodlesNoYesYesYesYes
Glass noodlesNoYesYesYesNo
Egg NoodlesYesNoNoNoNo
Egg rollsYesNoNoNoNo

This is not a comprehensive list, but it provides a starting point when trying to demystify whether or not Chinese food may contain gluten. People with celiac disease have the most serious reaction to gluten and should be aware of how their food is prepared behind the scenes.

When Food Contains Gluten By Mistake

Unfortunately, traces of gluten may be present in foods from unintentional contamination, even if the food didn’t originally contain gluten. There are two types of contamination: cross-contamination and cross-connection. 

Cross-contamination can occur when the cook has gluten on their hands and touches a ready-to-eat product. Good hand-washing can prevent cross-contamination.

Cross-connection can occur when a cook uses the same utensils or equipment for gluten products as they do for non-gluten products. This can include tongs, fryer baskets, and holding trays. 

To avoid cross-connection, some Chinese restaurants have designated woks for gluten-free dishes that are never used for cooking menu items that contain gluten.

Read more: Do Deep Fryers Kill Gluten?

How Do I Know if I Need to Avoid Gluten?

When someone has celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder, their body produces antibodies to defend against a protein called gliadin that is present in wheat, barley, rye, and sometimes oats.

The antibodies attack the cells in the intestines that absorb nutrients, causing malnourishment for people diagnosed with celiac disease.

Grains that do not contain gliadin include amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, quinoa, sorghum, and teff. Generally speaking, these foods are also safe for people with a gluten intolerance or wheat allergy as long as they were not manufactured, processed, or packaged in the same facility as foods containing gliadin.

Those with gluten intolerance will experience digestive issues such as stomach pain and bloating. Sometimes these symptoms can be managed with digestive enzyme supplements and a reduced gluten diet.

A wheat allergy manifests similar symptoms as gluten intolerance, but may also cause anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction. Wheat allergies should be taken just as seriously as a celiac disease when choosing a completely gluten-free diet. 

Those diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may follow a Low FODMAP diet and limit gluten intake.

FODMAP is an acronym for naturally-occurring food chemicals that may irritate the digestive system. The “O” in FODMAP stands for oligosaccharides, a chemical found in gluten products such as wheat, barley, and rye.

What Chinese Meals Are Gluten-Free?

There are some Chinese meals that can be prepared completely gluten-free in a restaurant or home setting. Be sure to thoroughly check the ingredient list of a new recipe to make sure it’s safe to prepare at home. 

Due to the popularity of rice in Chinese culture, there are many Chinese foods that are automatically gluten-free. Some Chinese restaurants label their gluten-free menu items with the symbol “GF.” Below is a list of Chinese foods that may show up as gluten-free on a menu.

  • Cheung fun
  • Nian Gao
  • Side of white or brown rice
  • Chow fun
  • Mei fun

Unfortunately for gluten-free folks with an affinity for Chinese food, a lot of crowd favorites such as Kung Pao chicken, fried rice, and Lo Mein contain wheat.

However, there are ways to substitute common ingredients with gluten-free ones to recreate these classic dishes. 

Can You Order Guten-Free at Restaurants?

Depending on where in the world you are, the menus and options will most likely look a bit different. What I’ve found is that most waiters will try to meet you halfway when it comes to gluten intolerance and other complications associated with certain ingredients.

If the restaurant’s menu doesn’t state whether or not a dish is gluten-free or not, ask the waiter to recommend something that is gluten-free or ask if the chef can make a gluten-free version of the dish.

Looking at the number of people with gluten intolerance today, restaurants will have grown accustomed to people wondering these types of things. You’re not the first one to ask, and if they haven’t made it simple for you to identify whether or not a dish is safe for you to eat, nothing else should be expected.

What Chinese Meals Can Be Made Gluten-Free? 

Luckily in this day and age, there are a wide variety of gluten-free substitutes for classic Chinese ingredients. The list below includes gluten-free products that may be used in Chinese cuisine.

  • Cornstarch
  • Rice vinegar
  • Gluten-free Hoisin Sauce
  • Gluten-free Oyster Sauce
  • Gluten-free Fish Sauce
  • Tamari Sauce
    • Substitute for soy sauce
    • Can be used in:
      • Fried rice
      • Noodle dishes
      • Dipping sauces
  • Plum Sauce
    • Substitute for duck sauce
  • Mirin
    • Substitute for rice vinegar or Shaoxing cooking wine
  • Rice Flour
    • Substitute for all-purpose flour
  • Rice Wrapper / Paper
    • Substitute for dumpling, pot sticker, and wonton wrappers

When cooking at home, it’s much easier to use gluten-free ingredients. The list below outlines gluten-free preparations of common Chinese meals.

  • Dumplings prepared with rice paper
  • Pot stickers made with rice wrapper and served with tamari dipping sauce
  • BBQ ribs made with tamari sauce
  • Fried rice prepared with tamari sauce
  • Egg Foo Young prepared with tamari sauce and mirin
  • Kung Pao chicken made with tamari sauce
  • Szechuan shrimp, chicken, pork, or beef prepared with mirin and without hoisin
  • Shrimp with garlic sauce prepared with tamari and mirin
  • Hot braised chicken prepared with tamari sauce only
  • Peking duck prepared with tamari and mirin
  • Sweet and sour pork prepared with tamari sauce
  • Beef & broccoli prepared with tamari sauce and no other sauces
  • Mongolian beef prepared with tamari sauce and no other sauces

What Chinese Sauces Are Gluten-Free?

Tamari sauce is the most prevalent gluten-free sauce, although it has roots in Japanese cuisine. It is made with fermented soybeans and tastes richer and appears darker than traditional soy sauce.

Plum sauce is also considered to be gluten-free unless it is made with hoisin sauce. As the name suggests, the sauce is made of boiled sweet plums with vinegar, salt, crushed black pepper, and chili peppers. The brand Wok Mei carries a gluten-free variety of plum sauces.

Light vs. Dark Soy Sauce

Chinese soy sauce is typically made with a blend of soybeans and wheat. Light soy sauce contains a higher percentage of wheat than soybeans. Dark soy sauce contains a higher percentage of soybeans than wheat.

Light soy sauce is common as a last-minute seasoning agent in Cantonese cooking. Light soy sauce is also called “pure bean,” “thin,” or “fresh soy sauce” and is made from the first pressing of fermented soybeans. Common applications are stir-fry, soup, and marinades.

Dark soy sauce tastes less salty on the palate than light soy sauce and is used for cooking as opposed to seasoning. The flavor of dark soy sauce is robust enough to carry sweetness and umami flavors through to meat and sauces. Neither light nor dark soy sauce is gluten-free.

What Chinese Noodles Are Gluten-Free?

The word for “noodle” in Chinese is “mian” or “mien.” Though many consider noodles to be a staple of Chinese cuisine, they aren’t all made from wheat. Though not comprehensive, the list below outlines gluten-free noodle options, even if some have roots in other cuisines. 

  • Buckwheat sweet potato noodles
  • Cheung fun
  • Chickpea noodles
  • Chow fun
  • Glass AKA saifun AKA bean thread AKA cellophane noodles
  • Ho fun
  • Kelp noodles
  • Mai fun AKA vermicelli rice noodles
  • Quinoa noodles
  • Rice noodles
  • Shirataki noodles
  • Soba / buckwheat noodles (only if the label reads “100% gluten-free”)
  • Sweet potato noodles
  • Zucchini or summer squash noodles (prepared from raw vegetables with a spiralizer)

Aside from noodles, there are other ingredients in Chinese cuisine that may contain gluten. The ingredients in common appetizers, main courses, and sauces are likely to contain gluten. 

What Chinese Ingredients Should You Avoid If You’re Gluten-Intolerant?

Below is a list of Chinese ingredients to potentially avoid if you are not able to eat gluten:

  • All-purpose flour
  • Noodles
    • Buckwheat noodles (blended variety)
    • Egg noodles
    • Lo Mein
    • Yi Mein
    • Yao Mein
    • Diao Xiao Mian
    • La Mian
    • Liangpi
  • Sauces
    • Soy sauce
    • Oyster sauce
    • Duck sauce
    • Oyster sauce
    • Fish sauce
    • Hoisin sauce
  • Wines & Vinegar
    • Shaoxing wine
    • Rice vinegar
  • Dumplings

Exercise caution if you are managing a gluten intolerance. Read labels carefully and educate yourself on menu items that may contain gluten before eating at a restaurant.

What’s the Difference Between Japanese and Chinese Food? Sun, 10 Jul 2022 07:29:47 +0000 Japanese and Chinese food are both very popular in the United States and Europe. However, are the dishes we eat here in the West similar to the dishes consumed back in the East?

Even though the foods come from similar parts of the world, do they also resemble one another in taste and style? 

The main differences between the two are the methods of cooking, the most popular types of meats used, and how they mix different ingredients. Japanese food is not typically fried and starches are kept separate from gravy and broth. Chinese foods are more commonly fried and rice or noodles are usually mixed together with other ingredients. 

Japanese and Chinese foods share many similarities, especially with regard to the types of ingredients they use. If you want to know what the most popular dishes are and how they prepare their dishes, then this is the palace for you! 

Japanese Food Traits

Japanese foods are traditionally lighter, fresher, and feature more raw and uncooked meats. The cuisine has several pillars for its structural makeup which include:

  • Sashimi
  • Washoku 
  • Tempura
  • Soba and udon 

Sashimi is the traditional Japanese method of cutting and preparing raw meats. It is famous for its artistic displays and aesthetic appeal, not to mention the quality of the meats.

A key focus of this method is it is served completely raw with little to no modifications to the meat aside from the ways in which it is cut. 

Washoku holds a deep spiritual significance to much of the country. These dishes typically consist of freshly harvested vegetables and meats prepared in a mild and light manner. 

The process begins before the food even reaches the kitchen, however, since washoku must be raised and grown in a respectable manner. This includes a sustainable and fair growing space.

Tempura is the heavier of the options Japanese use for preparing their food. This usually consists of battering the food in a light flour batter and frying it in oil. This batter is used to cook vegetables and meat in an inch or two of oil. 

Soba and udon refer to the common noodles used in several Japanese dishes. Soba and udon are traditionally whole wheat pasta, rich in energizing carbohydrates and vital nutrients. 

Chinese Food Traits

Chinese food is characterized as colorful, flavorful, and gastronomically perfected. The nation takes great pride in its presentation and tries to attract all senses with the color of the food, the layout, scent, and taste. 

Chinese food tries to appeal to the senses to stimulate what is known as “Qi.” Qi or Chi is most commonly known for its association with martial arts in the West, however, in Asian culture, it is a vital aspect of all parts of life.

In short, it is the vital energy force of life, which proper food and drink can help enhance and stimulate. 

Chinese food is meant to stimulate what they call the Four Natures and the Five Senses or Tastes. These include the following: 

Four Natures: 

  • Hot
  • Warm
  • Cool
  • Cold 

Five Senses/Tastes

  • Sweet 
  • Sour
  • Pungent
  • Salty
  • Bitter

The proper types of food are believed to channel the four natures and improve various aspects of your health and well-being. It is not uncommon to hear Chinese doctors refer to some kinds of foods as “cooling” and others as “warming.” 

Warming foods are believed to be healing, comforting, and usually include heavier and fattier foods. Cooling foods are believed to help alleviate excess weight and usually include foods such as fruits and vegetables. 

The Differences Between Japanese and Chinese Food

The primary difference between Chinese and Japanese food is the method in which the food is cooked. Chinese food tends to be a bit heavier, typically fried or sauteed in oil. In comparison, Japanese food is typically served fresh, lightly sauteed, or boiled rather than fried. 

Additionally, Japanese food uses more fish and raw foods than Chinese food does. Chinese food uses more pork, beef, and chicken which they usually bake or fry to some extent. 

The typical Japanese meal uses rice, whereas Chinese food tends to use fried bread, noodles, or other starches in their meals.

Japanese culture is more open and accepting of western foods, as well. This means they also have more burgers, french fries, and other western foods in their cuisine than their neighbors across the ocean. 

What Similarities Exist Between Japanese and Chinese Food?

The main similarity between the two cuisines is their use of similar ingredients, such as rice. Both cultures use a large amount of rice in their meals and usually serve it unflavored on the side with flavorful and savory dishes.

However, Chinese cuisine more commonly fries or sautees the rice along with the food, whereas Japanese culture almost always keeps the rice on the side. 

Chinese and Japanese cuisine uses similar ingredients, while the main difference is how they prepare and serve these dishes. Both cuisines utilize similar ingredients for their dishes, including the following: 

  • Fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, and eel
  • Octopus and squid
  • Fresh vegetables such as leeks, napa cabbage, and spinach
  • Bone broth
  • Whole grain pasta
  • Rice

Bone broth and seaweed stock are common staples in both cuisines, but they are usually prepared and used differently.

Bone broth is commonly used in Chinese soups such as bok choy soup and oxtail soup, however, the Japanese use bone broth in soups such as ramen and udon. 

Seaweed is also more common in Japanese dishes, although the Chinese do use it as well. More commonly they use seaweed as a seaweed salad, in fermented dishes, and in garnishes accompanying meat. Japanese cuisine almost always uses seaweed for sushi and soup broth in dishes such as miso soup. 

What’s the Most Popular Chinese Dish?

According to statistics from GrubHub, the U.S., the most popular Chinese dish in the States is General Tso’s Chicken. However, in China, the most popular dishes differ significantly and usually consist of lighter, healthier daily dishes.

These include simple breakfast dishes such as youtiao, ma po tofu, sweet and sour pork, and Peking duck. 

There is a distinct difference between Chinese American food and authentic Chinese food. This is similar to how native Peruvian dishes were mixed with immigrant Chinese foods to create “Chifa”.

These dishes carry similarities with traditional Chinese and local cuisine, altering the taste of the traditional dishes to match the preferences of the local community. 

This is different in China, though. The dishes which are popular in China are a bit more unique. They use meats such as duck, shark fins, and other exotic cuts of meat such as chicken feet. Other less commonly known dishes in the west include larva and the Chinese caterpillar. 

What’s the Most Popular Japanese Dish?

By and large, sushi is the most popular Japanese dish not only in the U.S. but also in the home country of Japan.

Sushi is traditionally made with fresh cuts of tuna or salmon and includes seaweed and marinated rice. Other popular Japanese dishes include sashimi, shabu-shabu, and miso soup. 

Most people are used to western-style sushi which has high amounts of soy sauce, mustard, and mayo. Sushi in the U.S. also contains fried or cooked meats such as sesame chicken. However, in more traditional sushi, the meat is almost always raw and sliced in a ceremonial fashion. 

Sashimi is never cooked or seasoned. Rather, the point of the process is to cut the meat in a special fashion to accentuate its natural colors and appeal.

The meats are almost always of the finest quality. The point of sashimi is to display the natural flavors and quality of the meat. 

Japanese food is notably light and free of heavy cooking. They do eat buns, such as leek or pork buns made with a semi-sweet rice glutinous flour and steamed on the stove.

Gyoza is another popular dumpling in the region and is usually filled with spinach, onion, and marinated pork. They are usually fried, but are sometimes boiled or steamed. 

Japanese also have foreign dishes which they modify to their own taste. One of the most popular dishes is ramen, which actually comes from China.

In China, this dish is the popular noodle dish known as “lo mein”, except the Chinese made a gravy for the noodles rather than a broth. 

Can You Leave Cake Out Overnight? Sun, 10 Jul 2022 06:17:08 +0000 Birthday parties, holiday celebrations, and other momentous occasions are all marked by the sugary goodness of a cake. If you accidentally left your cake out overnight after the festivities, you might be wondering if it is still safe to eat the next day? 

Cake can be left out overnight, but it should be properly covered and stored. When left uncovered your cake is not only likely to get dry, but it might also get exposed to bacteria or contaminants if the cake contains perishables. Make sure you cover your cake before leaving it out overnight on the counter. 

We use cake covers or “boxes” to preserve cakes. They’re simple to use, very affordable, and make a big difference. They’re available on Amazon.

If you are wondering what kind of cakes store the best and how to prevent them from getting dry, you are in the right place. In this article, you will learn how to properly store your cakes, prevent mold development, and what types of cakes store best in the freezer. 

How Long Can Cake Sit Out Unrefrigerated?

On average, cakes can be left out of the refrigerator for up to 3-6 days. However, this amount of time differs depending on the types of cake and how the icing was made. Softer cakes with heavy cream-based icing usually have shorter shelf lives than sugar-based icings and heavy cakes. 

Cakes are typically broken down into the following categories: 

  • Butter cakes
  • Angel food 
  • Pound cake 
  • Chiffon cakes
  • Cupcakes
  • Brownies
  • Sponge cakes

Each of these cakes is made with different kinds of ingredients or is baked and prepared in different ways. Thus, they all have a different shelf life based on how well the ingredients hold up. 

Pound cakes, butter cakes, and pudding cakes last the longest on the counter. The only thing you need to be careful of is the amount of humidity in the room.

These cakes are very moist and thus can grow mold and mildew more easily than drier cakes. As long as your house is air-conditioned, these types of cakes should last up to 6 days. 

Pound cakes usually have buttercream icing on them to complement the heavier nature of the cake. Buttercream is usually made with whipped butter along with sugar, food coloring, and other fun ingredients. The high amounts of sugar in this icing acts as a preservative, extending its shelf life. 

Angel food cakes, chiffon cakes, and other soft cakes can last about 4 days on the counter. They are more likely to develop mold or to dry out and get stale. If you put meringue or whipped cream on this cake then it must be refrigerated within 2 hours to prevent spoilage. 

Cakes with fruit, including fruit filling, must be refrigerated after a few hours as well. Fruit spoils very fast and will likely taste bad the next day after they have fermented. 

What Can Happen If You Eat Cake That’s Gone Bad?

Spoiled food, including spoiled cakes, can cause food poisoning. Food poisoning occurs when bacteria from food, such as bacteria E. Coli or botulism get into our digestive tracts by eating contaminated foods. Since cake and icing contain starches and sugar this could happen under the right conditions.

Most of the time you do not have to worry about cake spoiling as long as you finish it in a certain time frame. The only reason your cake is likely to spoil on the counter is that it is very hot in your home or humid.

Additionally, if you failed to either wrap it or cover your cake properly it’s more likely to be contaminated. 

If your cake has become contaminated and you eat it, it is possible you will get infected with bacteria and suffer from food poisoning. This usually involves vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and possible severe dehydration. 

Severe food poisoning can occur which can lead to death when left untreated. The most common cause of death from food poisoning is severe dehydration caused by chronic vomiting or diarrhea. 

However, it is not very likely that you will die from food poisoning. It may cause a great deal of discomfort as your body struggles to remove the bacteria from the intestinal tract.

For most people, this manifests as fatigue, hunger, cramps, and difficulty passing stool as you suffer through vomiting and diarrhea. 

How Can You Tell If Cake Has Gone Bad?

Mold and bad smell is the best indicator of cake that has gone bad. Mold is not always harmful, but it is typically accompanied by bacteria and other contaminants.

Therefore, the presence of mold is usually a good indicator that your cake has gone bad since it requires moisture and heat in order to grow. 

Cake is an odd substance since it can go bad both by having too much moisture and not enough moisture. Too much moisture can cause your cake to spoil or grow mold.

Some tell-tale signs that your cake was left out in temperatures that were too warm are if your cake feels clammy or very soggy. 

This will usually smell pretty bad as well. If you smell yeast or a mildew-like scent accompanied by a seemingly sweaty cake, you should toss this out. In comparison, a dry cake is less likely to harm you, but it is unpleasant. 

Dry cake usually tastes stale and might have crisp and chipped edges. This usually occurs because the cake was not frosted and was left uncovered. When the cake is exposed, the moisture is pulled from the cake by the atmosphere. 

This can also occur if you cut your cake, exposing the interior of the cake to the surrounding air. If you have a cake with a slice in it, or cut in some way exposing the interior, then you might try covering the exposed area with icing or plastic wrap. 

How Long Can a Cake Last?

For a heavy cake, such as a pound or pudding cake, you can expect your cake to last between 3-5 days. This is true regardless of whether you store the cake in the fridge or on the counter. Cakes with icing last much longer in the fridge since it helps prevent the cake from drying out. 

Each type of cake will last for different amounts of time in the fridge and counter. However, there is little to no difference between the time cakes last on the counter and in the fridge. Unless you are seeking to store a cake made with cream frosting or an ice cream cake. 

Heavy (Pound, pudding, etc)6-7 days when well wrapped or covered3-5 days, well coveredFrosted: Stay moist longer. Unfrosted: May dry out in the fridge unless well covered in plastic wrap.
Light (Angel food cake, sponge cake, etc)5-6 days when well wrapped and covered2-5 days, well coveredFrosted: Most lighter cakes are served without frosting. They tend to have whipped cream on the side, added when ready to consume.
Other (Ice cream cake, Fruit filled cake, fruit-topped cake, etc)Depends. Ice cream cake must be kept in the freezer. Others in the fridge last 3-5 days30 minutes to 2 hours. Should be stored in fridge or freezerIcing and frosting will not greatly impact shelf life. 

How Should You Store Cake?

Cakes should be stored in a covered dish, plastic wrap, or other secure wrappings. This will keep bacteria, dust, and dirt from accumulating on your cake.

Additionally, properly wrapping and storing cake will extend its shelf life and ensure no cross-contamination occurs. Keep your cake covered and up high so no pets or possible rodents disturb it and contaminate it. 

As we have discussed above, cakes tend to last about the same amount of time on the counter as in the fridge.

However, if you do not store your cake properly in the fridge it could become dried out and stale. Also, you won’t want to cover it in an airtight container to avoid the cake absorbing flavors from the fridge. 

These are some of the best ways to store your cakes either in the fridge or outside of the fridge: 

  • Sliced and stored in an airtight container
  • Ziploc bags with either a sip zip shut seal or other secure seals 
  • Covered in plastic wrap 
  • Cake container 

You should not slice your cake until you are ready to serve it. If you have already sliced it then you should wrap each piece in plastic wrap to keep it fresh.

Cakes such as sponge cakes and angel food cakes should be stored without whipped cream on them. The cream could make the cake soggy and it has a shorter shelf life than the cake itself. 

The best way to serve angel food cake is to make the whipped cream no more than 2 days before you plan to eat the cake. This way the cream is fresh and has not curdled and made the cake turn bad as well. 

Can You Freeze Cake?

You can freeze a cake, but some cakes store in the freezer better than others. Heavy cakes, such as pound cakes, pudding cakes, or even fruit loafs such as banana bread store the best. These cakes are very moist and keep well in the dry environment of the freezer. 

Cakes can last up to 6 months in the freezer if they are properly covered and protected. Moist, heavy cakes store the best in the freezer and should be wrapped several times in plastic wrap. You can also store them in zip lock bags and other freezer-safe bags. 

Angel food cake does not store well in the freezer. Since it is so light and aerated it tends to become grainy and unpleasant when frozen, but it can be eaten. Whipped cream and other icings should be frozen separately from the cake. 

The best way to store icing in the freezer is in a sealed plastic or glass container. Additionally, you can store the icing in sealed bags, but this is usually not as good a choice as a container.  

How Do You Store a Cake Without Drying It Out?

The best way to prevent cake from drying out while stored is to ensure it is properly covered. Plastic wrap is the best method of storing the cake, but you can also use aluminum foil. If you freeze your cake, proper thawing is the best way to prevent it from drying out or becoming soggy. 

If you want to freeze your cake without it drying out you should properly wrap it and store it in an airtight container. If you are storing a cake in the fridge or on the counter, putting the icing on your cake will help keep the moisture in. 

However, in the freezer, cakes store better without the icing. Keep the icing or fruit filing separately in the fridge or freezer. 
