Food That Starts With the Letter C

Today, we are continuing our journey of getting to know different foods through the alphabet with the letter C. This list contains some exciting ingredients, many of which would taste great combined. Cherries, cacao, and coconut, for example! That sounds like the start of an amazing, fresh dessert.

Through this list, I discovered that most of my favorite foods start with the letter C. Maybe you will see some of your favorites here too, or you will soon discover which letter of the alphabet your preferred foods fit under. 


Cauliflower is an edible plant of which only the head is typically eaten. It can be prepared for culinary purposes in many ways but is commonly fried or roasted. Cauliflower can also be ground and served in the place of rice or other grains as a gluten-free and low-calorie option. 


Carrots are domesticated root vegetables. They come in many colors but are most commonly orange. Carrots can be eaten raw and with dip or used as an ingredient in soups or stews. They can also be roasted and served as a healthy side. 


Cantaloupe is a melon variety of the muskmelon species and originally referred only to a type of melon found in Europe. Cantaloupe has a sweet flavor and a tender texture. It is usually eaten plain and fresh or as an addition to a salad.

Chili Pepper

Chili peppers are the fruit from a plant of the Capsicum variety. They are cultivated and harvested because they contain capsaicin which gives them their intense flavor. Chili peppers are often used to add “heat” to a dish. 


Celery is a marshland plant and it had been harvested and used as food for a long time. Celery can be eaten fresh and is commonly enjoyed with hummus or ranch. It can also be used to add freshness to a soup, stew, are salad. 


Capers are the buds of the caper bush, a plant native to Mediterranean countries. Capers are commonly salted or pickled. In cooking, they are used to add a flavorful kick to many different dishes and are used in a lot of Italian dishes. 


Cabbage is a leafy green that grows in heads with dense layers. Cabbage was popularly domesticated in early Europe and became a staple of European cooking. It can be prepared in many ways but is most commonly pickled/ fermented, stewed or roasted, or eaten raw. 


Cashews are the fruit of the cashew tree which is a tropical evergreen tree that is native to Brazil and Venezuela. Cashews can be eaten raw or roasted and they have a mild flavor and semi-soft texture. Their flavor and texture also make cashews a great dairy-free base for desserts or other creamy dishes. 

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a type of moderately spicy chili pepper. It is commonly used in its powdered form to add heat to your cooking. A dash of cayenne pepper is also a great way to add a kick to a green smoothie or an indulgent hot chocolate. 


Cherries are the fruit of a variety of plants from the Prunus family. They are a fleshy fruit with a pit at the center. Cherries are a delicious, sweet fruit that can be enjoyed on their own or used as an ingredient for desserts or drinks. 


Chickpeas are a legume of the Fabaceae family. They are a staple ingredient in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Indian cuisine. Chickpeas can be eaten raw, roasted, or cooked. They are also blended to make hummus, a popular Middle Eastern dip or spread. 


Cheese refers to a dairy product made of a variety of animal milk. There exist a wide variety of cheese with different flavors, textures, and smells. Some cheeses are meant to be consumed fresh while others are purposely left to age so that they become more pungent and develop sharper flavors. 


Cassava, also known as yuca, is a woody shrub native to South America. Cassava can most easily be compared to a potato because it is also a starchy carbohydrate, but it has a delicate sweet flavor. In the regions where it grows, Cassava is widely used and can be cooked in many ways. 


Chorizo is a variety of pork sausage that originates from the Iberian Peninsula. It is eaten grilled, fried, or in sandwiches. Chorizo is made and used in many regions of the world. It can be added to a variety of dishes as the main protein. 


Coconuts come from a tree that’s part of the palm tree family. The fruit is considered a drupe and it contains a clear liquid in the center of a tough exterior with edible flesh of the inner walls.

Coconut water can be consumed fresh and you can even drink it straight out of the coconut. The flesh can be dried to make coconut flakes that can be used as an addition to many desserts. 


Cacao beans are the seeds of a type of evergreen tree. They are used to make chocolate which can be produced and used in many ways. Chocolate can either be the pure product of cacao or can be made with milk to make for a creamier product with a mild flavor. Pure cacao has a sharp, bitter flavor. 


Cranberries are the fruit of a shrub of the genus Vaccinium. Cranberries start out as green but turn red when they are ripe and they have a tart, acidic flavor. Cranberries are mostly processed and sold as products like juice, jam, or sauce. 


Cucumbers are the widely cultivated fruit of a creeping vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family. They are used as a vegetable and mostly consumed fresh, as an addition to sandwiches or salads, but they can also be pickled. Cucumbers have a mild, crisp, and fresh flavor and texture.


Chicken is a type of poultry and it is the most commonly consumed one around the world. Chicken meat is typically prepared by roasting the whole bird but it can also be fried or cooked in parts.

Chicken can be eaten plain with some light seasoning or it can be marinated and bread, or used as the main protein for many stews, soups, sauces, etc.  

Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes are a genetic mix of garden tomatoes and wild currant-type tomatoes. They are small and round or oblong and typically taste sweeter than a regular tomato.

They are the perfect size to be used whole as an ingredient for a fresh salad or as a vehicle for hummus or dip. Cherry tomatoes can basically be used in all the same ways regular tomatoes can. 


Clams are a type of edible, bi-valve mollusk. They are typically eaten raw, baked, or boiled and feature in many different cuisines around the world. 

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds come from a flowering plant of the mint family which is native to Mexico. They look like small, gray ovals and can be used as a nutritional additive to smoothies or granola.

Chia seeds are also a popular ingredient to use as an egg replacer in vegan baking, because when they are mixed with water they start to become gelatinous and stick together.


Cumin seeds come from a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family. Cumin is typically used as a spice in the cuisines of many cultures. The seeds can be ground or used whole.


Coriander is an herb also from the plant family Apiaceae. The whole plant is edible but the most common parts used in cooking are the leaves and the seeds. Coriander has a tart, limey taste. It is similar to cilantro, in that many people describe its flavor as soap-like.

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Robin is in his 30s and still enjoys the things he enjoyed as a teenager. He has studied nutrition, personal training, coaching, and cooking. He has an ever-growing interest in the art of cooking the best burger in the world. Thankfully, he also loves going to the gym.

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