How Long Can Cooked Rice Be Left at Room Temperature?

Have you ever started cleaning up from dinner and realized you forgot the food in your pots and pans the next day? This can happen, but what if you realize you left large quantities of rice out overnight, should you still try to salvage it? 

Cooked rice should only be left out at room temperature for up to 2 hours. If the room is over 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius) you should not keep it for more than 1 hour. Rice left out for extended periods begins to multiply bacteria and could give you severe food poisoning. 

No one likes to waste food, even if it’s something as cheap as rice. So, now that you know you must be fast at storing your rice for future consumption, how should you store it in your fridge or freezer? We have the answers here for you today. 

How to Tell If Cooked Rice Has Gone Bad

The best way to determine if your rice has turned bad is to check the smell and texture. Rice will usually have a very rotten scent when it has gone bad, which will smell both rancid and fermented. Or, it may have an odd texture or feel more wet than usual. 

Rice that has gone bad typically has a rancid or fermented scent, which indicates it is beginning to decompose. As bacteria multiply on the rice surface it begins breaking down its composition. When this occurs, it releases a nasty scent which can usually be detected by smelling it. 

The normal texture for rice is not too wet or too dry. It has a wetter texture due to the fact it’s been boiled when cooking, but it should not be too soggy.

Rice that’s too soggy might have more bacteria than rice that’s been strained properly, and will likely go bad faster than properly strained rice. 

However, you should also be careful if your rice is very dry. Dry rice may have past its shelf life and could get you sick if consumed.

Basically, the fridge absorbs the moisture from the rice as it sits in there and could indicate the rice has expired and should not be eaten. 

Can You Eat Cooked Rice That Has Been Left Out Overnight?

You should not eat rice that’s been left out overnight. Rice that’s been left out for more than 2 hours could potentially have dangerous bacteria that may lead to food poisoning and sickness. If rice is left at room temperature, the bacteria multiply exponentially for every minute it’s left below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius). 

Bacteria such as Bacillus Cereus nearly double every twenty minutes on the surface of a perishable item that is left out above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

By the time your rice has been sitting for 2 or more hours, you are very likely to suffer discomfort or worse from the bacteria’s infection. 

This applies to all rice except shelf-stable cooked rice. Shelf-stable rice goes through a special manufacturing process that uses an emulsifier to preserve the rice grains.

This system uses glucose bacteria which lowers the pH of the rice, making it more stable and less likely to grow bacteria. 

This is not a system you should attempt to do at home, however. It’s incredibly specialized and requires specific heating techniques and sealing.

Commercial shelf-stable rice usually lasts between 2-6 months when left sealed. 

How Long Can Brown Rice Sit Out at Room Temperature?

Brown rice should be refrigerated 30 minutes after cooking, and should not sit out longer than 2 hours before refrigerating. When left out for longer than 2 hours there’s a strong chance that the bacteria on the surface has multiplied significantly. If consumed, this could result in food poisoning. 

Brown rice does not differ significantly from white rice with regard to the development of bacteria. Spoiled brown rice will also exhibit similar signs of decay, including rancid and fermented scents as well as slimy or brittle grains. 

Brown rice differs from white rice primarily in how it is cooked and its nutritional value. White rice is refined, stripping it of much of the husk on the exterior of the grain. This means the texture and taste will differ significantly from white rice. 

There is more fiber and protein in brown rice, thanks to its unrefined nature. However, thanks to this same course exterior it will also need to be cooked for a longer time than white rice. 

How to Store Rice Properly

To properly store your rice in the fridge first make sure your refrigerator is kept at 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius).

Preferably, it should be stored at between 33-36 degrees Fahrenheit (1-2 degrees Celsius). Cooked rice should be kept in an airtight container or properly covered with plastic wrap.

Airtight containers are the best option for refrigerator storage. These containers serve as solid protection against airborne bacteria and prevent the rice from becoming dried out. 

To properly store with plastic wrap, place the rice in a clean bowl and stretch the plastic cover over the top. Make sure you cover every edge and don’t leave any portions of the dish exposed. 

We do not recommend leaving your cooked rice uncovered in the fridge. This will expose the rice to airborne bacteria while also encouraging it to dry out quickly.

If you don’t have a container or plastic wrap, then you should at least place a heavy plate over the bowl to keep it fresh longer. 

How Long Can Cooked Rice Be Kept In the Refrigerator?

Cooked rice should only be stored for up to 4-6 days in the refrigerator. If your fridge is not kept cool, at least at 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius), then you should throw it away to avoid food poisoning. The better the storage container you keep your rice in, the longer the shelf life will be as well.

Rice that’s stored at between 33-36 degrees Fahrenheit (1-2 degrees Celsius) and is inside an airtight container can last up to 6 days. If you only have plastic wrap then we suggest throwing it away after 3-4 days. 

If you made too much rice and aren’t able to finish it in this time frame, you can freeze it. Make sure you either use freezer-safe containers or Ziploc bags in order to extend its life for up to 6 months. These containers are specially designed to prevent spoilage and freezer burn. 

How Long Should You Wait Before Refrigerating Cooked Rice?

You should wait for 15-30 minutes before you put your cooked rice into the container to be stored in the fridge.

This will prevent condensation and extensive heat buildup in the fridge. Preferably the rice should still be warm, to prevent bacteria from accumulating, but not steaming. 

Placing hot rice in a container could lead to condensation buildup which may result in the rice becoming too soggy and unsuitable for eating.

A wet and soggy area is also a favorite breeding ground for many bacteria, thus increasing the possibility of food poisoning.

Additionally, the heat from the rice will likely lower the overall temperature of your fridge, causing it to work unnecessarily hard and possibly spoil other food. 

What Can Happen If You Eat Rice That’s Been Left Out For Too Long?

Stomach aches and diarrhea are the most common results of eating rice that’s been left out for too long. The quantity of bacteria is an important factor in how the food impacts you. It could lead to serious side effects, such as dehydration and bleeding. 

Although rare in healthy young people, it is possible to experience severe side effects of food poisoning when eating bad food.

This is usually the result of bacillus cereus. This bacteria usually flushes out of your body naturally after a few days, and will probably only lead to discomfort and diarrhea.

However, e. coli is a potentially more dangerous bacteria. This bacteria is more difficult for your body to remove and could lead to a large loss of water due to extended periods of vomiting and diarrhea. If these symptoms persist for several days, you should see a doctor.

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Robin is in his 30s and still enjoys the things he enjoyed as a teenager. He has studied nutrition, personal training, coaching, and cooking. He has an ever-growing interest in the art of cooking the best burger in the world. Thankfully, he also loves going to the gym.

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