What Kind of Brush Do You Use on Cast Iron?

You can use different tools to clean your cast iron cookware. And, all these tools have their uses. However, you shouldn’t just use any old brush if you’re looking to do an excellent cleaning job before you re-season your griddle. A good brush is made of solid material to handle any job easily, and it should have a shape that suits your cookware. 

The most suitable brush for cleaning cast iron is a handheld brush with stiff bristles. An ideal brush has bristles made of brass, nylon, or any material that’s strong and not very tough. Using a soft brush might not be enough to get rid of burnt-on gunk, while a rough brush may scratch the cast iron.  

Read on to find out more about the different types of brushes, the do’s and don’ts of maintaining cast iron, and more.

Can You Use a Nylon Brush on Cast Iron?

Nylon brushes can be used on cast iron since they’re pretty hardy. Again, if you wouldn’t want to scratch the surface you are cleaning, a nylon brush would be a great choice, considering that other types of brushes may be harder. After you’re done using the brush, you can simply throw it in the dishwasher and get it cleaned within no time.

The downside of nylon brushes is that they can’t withstand heat. So, you must be careful not to clean any of your appliances while it’s hot. Otherwise, the bristles of your iron brush will melt.

Can You Use Steel Wool on Cast Iron?

You can use steel wool on cast iron for cleaning, but there are a few things you need to consider:

  • Frequency of use – If you must use steel wool on cast iron, use it occasionally. It strips some seasoning off cast iron, even when you handle it with great care.
  • Pressure – Some people misuse steel wool when cleaning their cast iron cookware. You’ll see them putting elbow grease into it. In case you apply too much pressure when using steel wool, you can be sure some seasoning will be wiped away.

Steel wool needs to be used lightly and preferably on the stubborn spots that are hard to come off. Anything else can be cleaned with a sponge. 

Can You Use a Wire Brush on Cast Iron?

A wire brush is a good choice for cast iron, especially when you’re cleaning an appliance with some rust buildup. These are also the most common brushes for cleaning items such as grills since they can get into the tiny pores contained in the cast iron. 

Doctors, however, warn that wire brushes can cause health problems. Unfortunately, the risk arrives if the wire bristles break off the brush. Once you swallow it with food, it may lodge in your stomach and cause severe damage. 

Can You Use a Brass Brush on Cast Iron?

Brass brushes can be used on cast iron, thanks to their non-scratch design and hardworking bristles. These brushes are stiffer than nylon brushes. Therefore you’re assured of a good scrubbing while using them for cleaning. They’re also not as tough as other metals, so you can use them without worrying that you’ll scratch the surface of your appliance.

Some people, however, don’t like using brass brushes on cast iron since they feel that the brushes fail to give enough scrubbing power. 

Is It Safe to Use Metal Utensils On Cast Iron?

A common concern when dealing with cast iron is how to care for its seasoning. Cast iron needs to be treated with care to keep their incredible nonstick surfaces. 

It’s often believed that metal utensils shouldn’t be used on cast iron since they’re made of stainless steel, which is harder, and a couple of them have sharp ends that can scratch the seasoning.

Let’s cut to the chase:

You can use metal utensils such as tongs and spatulas on cast iron. Sometimes they can even make cookware better. 

Metal Spatulas Won’t Ruin Your Cast Iron

If you still think a metal spatula will harm your cast iron, pay attention to how the tool looks and the way it is used. A metal spatula isn’t very sharp, although its edge is just enough to get under food. 

If you apply a little more force while using it – which isn’t the right way to use a spatula –  you may cause some damage to your seasoning, but the damage is unlikely to get past the seasoning. Spatulas usually scrap along the surface, that’s on a horizontal angle, and it’s hard for them to dig in.

Metal Tongs Are Safe For Cast Iron

Metal tongs are used differently from spatulas – they dig straight into the cookware while picking or flipping food. So, can such stabbing cause damage to seasoning?

Not really. The edges of tongs aren’t razor-sharp, and they’re only used to pick food without scraping them to the bottom of your utensil. 

How Can Metal Utensils Help Cast Iron?

Cast iron comes with pre-seasoning that’s a bit rough, depending on the brand. This roughness can be smoothened naturally or by polishing it. 

If you’d want to follow the natural route, a utensil like a metal spatula can help erode rough surfaces such as metal burrs. 

Things You Should Keep Away From Cast Iron

Here are a few things you shouldn’t use with cast iron:

  • Dishwashers – You should NEVER put cast iron into the dishwasher. It takes some time before a nonstick surface can build up on cast iron, and detergents used with a dishwasher can strip this surface away. Plain water and a brush or a sponge are the best cleaners.
  • Knives – Don’t use knives to slice bread while it’s still in your pan. Even dull knives can damage the seasoning on your appliance.

How Do You Smooth Out the Bottom of a Cast Iron Skillet?

A great way to smooth the bottom of your cast iron is by sanding. This method is effective and doesn’t damage your item. 

You can use a sanding block or an electric hand sander, depending on what you have at your disposal. Make sure to keep an eye on the surface while sanding to avoid making it very thin.

Methods You Shouldn’t Use to Smooth Your Cast Iron

Here are some methods not recommended for restoring cast iron:

  • Sandblasting – Although sandblasting will make the surface of your cast iron smooth, it may be too harsh, and there are higher chances of causing damage in the long run.
  • Don’t use chemicals – Substances such as lye can be used to remove the seasoning. But why should you use chemicals when you have better choices to make? If the chemicals aren’t cleaned properly, they can lead to poisoning.  

Foods You Should Never Cook in Cast Iron

You can use a cast Iron skillet to make most of your favorite meals, but it’s not suited for some foods. 

Let’s see the dishes you should avoid making in your cast iron.


Sticky foods like eggs may cause problems to your pan, especially if it’s new, even when it’s seasoned. 

Smelly Foods

Stinky cheeses, garlic, peppers, and others leave some aroma on your pan that’s likely to turn up in the foods you cook later. Putting the appliance in a hot oven can expel such a smell, but it’s safer to avoid cooking smelly foods in cast iron.

Acidic Foods

In some cases, things like lemons may react with metal and cause it to leach into your meal, breaking down the seasoning of your pan. If acidic food discolours your pan, you can take care of it with a baking soda scrub.

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Robin is in his 30s and still enjoys the things he enjoyed as a teenager. He has studied nutrition, personal training, coaching, and cooking. He has an ever-growing interest in the art of cooking the best burger in the world. Thankfully, he also loves going to the gym.

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