What Meat is Best to Dehydrate?

When it comes to dehydrating food, many people differ in their reasons for doing it. Some dehydrate a variety of food for camping, hiking, or even future food storage. Then others dehydrate only meats to use for making jerky. 

The type of meat that is best to dehydrate depends more on personal preference than anything else. With so many options available, many people find experimenting to be the best way to discover what meat is their favorite. From beef cuts to turkey and many more options in between, the recommendations for the best meat are plenty.

By discovering the types of meat that can be dehydrated, you will be able to determine which ones meet your preferences best. Read on below to learn more about the best meats to dehydrate and to make jerky with.

What Meats Can You Dehydrate?

Before you begin the process of dehydrating, you will need to do a bit of digging to figure out what meats work best for your machine. There are a plethora of meats that exist, finding the right ones and the right cuts make all the difference. 

As with anything, some meats work better than others to dehydrate. Ensuring you know what should and should not be dehydrated will save you quite a bit of time in the long run.

The following list shows the types of meats you can safely dehydrate for consumption:


Most beef cuts are perfect for dehydration. Keep in mind that the leaner the cut, the better the outcome. This is because meat with a higher fat content tends to be tough and stringy.

Many people recommend using the following cuts:

  • Top Round, although not the best in flavor, this cut typically is lean and affordable which makes it a popular choice for many.
  • Bottom Round is used often but is not as tender as other cuts
  • Sirloin, while having more flavor than other cuts, is not the most tender. Since it is somewhat lean, many people appreciate the option.
  • Flank Steak tends to have longer grains which makes it less tender, however, the rich flavor makes up for this.
  • Ground Beef is sometimes recommended for dehydrating for food storage or camping purposes. Just keep in mind that using the lean or extra lean works best.

Deli Meats

For camping, hiking, or hunting, many people prefer to use deli meats in their dehydrator. This is because deli meats are fairly inexpensive and make for a good snack when you are on the trail. 

Depending on your preferences, you can choose any of the many types of meats that can be found in your local deli. Many people prefer ham or turkey more often due to the rich flavor they provide. 

Canned Meats

If you have a preference for chicken or even tuna, getting the canned version of these meats is typically recommended. This is because when you make the chicken yourself, it is typically harder to rehydrate later. 

Canned chicken and tuna are usually packed in water and therefore create a better dehydration experience. In addition, the flavor and texture are usually not lost in the process.

Buffalo Meat

Similar to beef, buffalo meat is great for dehydrating. The low-fat content and robust flavor make this meat a perfect snack when made into jerky.


Since many who hunt for deer typically come home with a load of this meat, dehydrating seems the perfect choice to keep it from going bad. Whether you make jerky or just want to add it to your food storage, venison is a great meat to dehydrate.

Other Options

There are many other options of meats that can be dehydrated. However, many of the options will need to be done with a lot of care. This is because many of these meats can spoil faster or are just not worth the money spent.

For example, although it can be done, ham tends to cook down easily. This means you may end up with a lot less ham than you think. When considering the cost versus the amount you end up with, for some people it is simply not worth it.

Fish and other seafood options have been tried by many people. Some tend to have some success with dehydrating, and others not so much. This is because there are so many things to consider when deciding what type you want to try.

What Meats Are Best For Jerky?

When it comes to dehydrating meat for jerky, the choices are many. Most people agree that the leaner the meat, the better the jerky. This is because dehydrating a fattier cut typically results in a tough and sometimes stringy jerky. 

Although beef is the most common meat used to make jerky, many people choose to go with other types to create variety. 

Below is a list of meats that are best for making delicious jerky:


Ideally, using a cut like the New York Strip would be the best, but the price often makes that unreasonable. Luckily, there are plenty of other cuts of beef that are reasonably priced for you to experiment with.

For some, the Shoulder Roast is an affordable and perfect option once the fatty sections have been trimmed off. The meat from this cut is typically leaner and more tender, which makes it easier to slice and more pleasant to eat once the jerky is finished. 


As a healthy alternative, many people choose to use buffalo, or bison,  to make their jerky. High in protein, this grass-fed option contains a lower fat content but is very rich in flavor. 

Since buffalo thrive on a more natural diet, their meat supplies an excellent source of nutritional value. Making buffalo jerky not only makes a delicious treat due to the robust flavor but also provides you with a healthy snack.


If you have done any deer hunting, then you know that you typically have an endless supply of meat. Many people have found inventive ways to utilize this excess of meat while also preserving it in many different ways.

Deer jerky is one of the ways many people recommend preserving the meat after a hunt. This meat is also very low in fat and carbohydrates, which makes dehydrating it for jerky a great option.


Although many people prefer beef jerky, there are many advantages to using turkey to make your favorite snack. Turkey is a great alternative for those who choose to stay away from red meat. 

Turkey provides a high amount of protein, which makes it the perfect snack for someone following a healthy diet. Additionally, turkey tends to be lower in fat and calories than most jerky alternatives. 

Should Meat Be Cooked or Raw When Dehydrating?

While many experts believe that meat should be cooked before dehydrating, many who make jerky feel differently. Some jerky makers say that you should never cook the meat before dehydrating.

Nutritional experts believe that meat should be brought up in temperature to at least 160 degrees before starting the dehydration process. This is to ensure that harmful bacteria have been eliminated which makes it safer for consumption. 

Seasoned jerky makers from all over the world tend to disagree with this sentiment. Most recommend dehydrating raw meat is best for many reasons. Those who agree to believe that the flavor of the jerky is best when following this simple tip.

Additionally, most people who make jerky tend to use specific seasonings and/or marinades to add additional flavor. When cooked, much of this flavor is lost in the process. Therefore, allowing the meat to marinate then putting it into the dehydrator tends to make the best jerky.

How Long Will Dried Meat Last?

The length of time the dried meat will last depends on the purpose behind making it. Whether you are dehydrating meat for food storage or creating a delicious snack, how you store it will make all the difference in how long it will last.

Those who dehydrate meat with the sole purpose of creating jerky often agree that they are not exactly sure how long it will last. This is because they tend to consume it before they have the chance to find out. If you have ever eaten jerky, you know how tempting it is!

Others who dehydrate meat to store food for later use tend to take greater care in the preservation process. It is often recommended that you vacuum seal the meat so it is not exposed to the air. In this way, the meat can last for two or more years in many cases.

At the end of the day, choosing the best meat for dehydrating purposes should be based on personal preference. Depending on the purpose behind the process and the individual desire, there are many types of meats that you can choose to dehydrate.

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Robin is in his 30s and still enjoys the things he enjoyed as a teenager. He has studied nutrition, personal training, coaching, and cooking. He has an ever-growing interest in the art of cooking the best burger in the world. Thankfully, he also loves going to the gym.

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